Checklist for Fellows
Congratulations on your acceptance as a Fellow or Long-term Member of the American School of Classical Studies. We look forward to seeing you in Athens.
Below lists tasks and required forms to prepare for your arrival at the School. If you have been provided the link to this webpage, follow the deadlines for all tasks and forms listed, unless otherwise noted.
Questions? Contact the Programs Office in Princeton, New Jersey at
*Details about the updates to the visa and residency permit process are found below. Please read these details carefully, and do not hesitate to reach out to the Assistant Director ( with any questions.*
Note about Visa and Residence Permit
If you will need a visa (or a new visa) please see the tasks marked with an asterisk (*).
- Any U.S. or Canadian citizen who plans to spend more than 90 days during a six-month period in Greece and/or any other country of the Schengen Zone within a six-month period must obtain a special visa BEFORE entry into the Schengen Zone. Please consult the Assistant Director ( with any questions regarding visas.
- A visa needs to be acquired before leaving your home country, if applicable. The earliest you must enter Greece or any other country within the Schengen Zone is one day after the start date of your visa. The correct visa will allow you obtain a residence permit, once in Greece. A residence permit is obtained in Greece from Residency Police. ASCSA staff will assist during the fall.
If you will only need a residence permit renewal, please correspond directly with the Assistant Director (
If you will not need a visa, please disregard the tasks marked with an asterisk (*).
Note about European Union Citizens: A visa and a residence permit are not required for EU nationals. EU law, however, mandates that non-Greek EU nationals must register at the local Aliens Bureau (e.g., at a police station) if they intend to remain in Greece for more than 90 days. The ASCSA will assist members in this process; the procedure is free of charge and individuals will receive a certificate of registration (residence certificate). Non-Greek EU citizens residing in Greece for longer than 90 days could be fined if they do not register.
Items without an asterisk(*) apply to everyone.
NEW Details about how to apply for the residency permit
The Ministry has communicated to us (as of June 2024), that the process will now be this: We in Athens send your documents (passport, contact info) to the Ministry. The Ministry will then send us back a “pre-approval” form, which we will forward to you. The “pre-approval” form will also be sent directly to the consulate. You will then have to schedule an appointment at your local consulate and give them this document, as well as the other documents they request (see below). You will be issued a visa in your passport; you can begin the residency permit process once you are in-country
Begin Pre-approval Process: For the ASCSA to begin the pre-approval process, you will need to submit a scan/copy of your full passport (all pages, even if blank). You may email it to, or you may upload your passport securely on Submittable . Please note that all pages of your passport need to be scanned and saved as PDF. Once we receive your scanned passport and the information submitted on the "Visa Application Form", we will forward it to the Directorate for Aliens & Migration of Athens in order to receive your pre-approval document. You will then take this form with you to your local consulate to apply for the visa in person.
What to bring with you to the appointment (READ THROUGH THIS IN ITS ENTIRETY): (that’s the Chicago website, but all the consulates generally require the same documentation).
- Passport
- Application: . Note: Use 54 Souidias Athens, Greece 10676 as your address, regardless of whether or not you’ll be living at Loring Hall.
- Criminal background check (Please see the ASCSA website if you have questions about this. We highly recommend doing this through a , as the results will be sent to you as a .pdf in about 24 hours).
- Medical form signed by a doctor (you can download the form here)
- Insurance information, including international coverage. You’ll need to show proof of this for your residency permit as well.
- They will probably also ask you for financial information. Please bring your offer letter of membership from the School; if you were awarded a fellowship bring that as well. They might ask you for W-2’s or other documentation.
*Travel Requirements for 2025*
BE AWARE that starting in 2025, most people will need travel authorization to enter most European countries (including Greece). There are 30 European countries that require visa-exempt travelers to have an ETIAS travel authorization (this includes entry into Greece). Also, nationals of about 30 listed countries need to apply for ETIAS travel authorization into the EU.
This authorization needs to be completed before leaving your current country of residency, if you need to apply for authorization. The process to apply for travel authorization should be relatively quick, as long as you have the correct documents on-hand. The process to apply will cost 7 euros. The system is not yet live.
General Information about Staying at the School
You can find more information about life at the School and the facilities here.
APRIL 1 DEADLINE (six tasks):
Make sure your passport or ID card is in order
For USA and Non-European Citizens: If you do not have a passport, you should apply for one immediately. Obtaining a passport for international travel can take months to procure. US passport information is located at: . If you are not a US citizen, please consult your country's website for more information on obtaining a passport.
For EU Citizens (non-Greek citizens): Most EU citizens do not need a passport to travel within the EU, as long as they have a valid national identity card. If you do not need a passport to travel to Greece (as determined by international regulations), the ASCSA does not require you to obtain a passport.
Order FBI criminal background check*
For US citizens: An FBI background check is necessary for the visa process in the USA. Once you receive your background check, hold on to it until your appointment with the consulate. The ASCSA does not need a copy of your background check. If you will not apply for a US visa to study in Greece, you do not need to aquire a background check.
The FBI Identification Record is required by Greek consulates for the US visa application. Processing may take up to 14-16 weeks. Do not delay. There are two ways you can do this. You can submit your request directly to the FBI. Link to: . Or you can use a , a private business, to receive the fingerprint submission and relevant data much more quickly for a fee.
Note that you will need to submit your fingerprints to the FBI as part of the application for the FBI Idenfitication Record. There are many places in the US that provide this service. Check services within your local township or at your university. Most police stations will provide this service free of charge or for a small fee, during certain hours and days of the week. Some university police departments may offer fingerprinting services to employees and students. The ASCSA is not responsible for any costs incurred during this process.
For non-US citizens: If you are a non-US resident, you do not need to obtain an FBI background check. Follow the procedures in your home country, as necessary, to obtain the correct visa/entry permit for your stay.
Make a housing reservation
Complete the online form to request a room. Link to the form here.
If your fellowship includes housing (i.e. we provide you housing as part of your fellowship) you must still complete the form. If your fellowship does not include housing from the School and you would like to stay at the School, complete the form as soon as you know you would like to stay at the School. Rooms in Loring Hall do fill up quickly.
If your fellowships does not include housing and you do not wish to stay at Loring Hall, there is no need to complete the form.
If your fellowship includes housing at Loring Hall and you are forfeiting your right to housing in Loring Hall, you must contact the Programs Administrator (Alicia Dissinger, No compensation will be provided.
Loring Hall is equipped with all bed linens and towels in each room. Rooms will have a desk with a chair, in addition to the bed. Each room in Loring Hall has an en suite bathroom with a sink and shower. There is a communal washer and dryer that residents can use for a small fee. Laundry drying racks are available (at no cost) and there is ample space on outside clotheslines. An iron and an ironing board are available for communal use. Hairdryers, soap, and hair products (like shampoo and conditioner) are not provided in the rooms in Loring Hall. Accessible rooms are available.
Learn More About Loring HallComplete two online forms
Each heading below is a hyperlink to the online form.
On the form, you are asked to upload a color digital photograph. The photograph should show your head and shoulders against a plain background. The jpg or tif image needs to be 600 x 600 to 1200 x 1200 pixels, not exceeding 1 MB. This will be used to create your ASCSA ID card and museum pass (if applicable). Preferably, it should be a passport style photo. DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR PASSPORT. If you have a valid museum card or ASCSA ID card already, bring it with you to the School, as you may not be provided with a new card upon arrival.
In addition to the photograph that you upload on this form, the School arranges for official Greek-sized photographs upon arrival in September. These photographs must be taken in Greece and are required for the residence permit application. Members will pay for this fee when paying for their residence permits.
Please be aware that while the Loring Hall kitchen staff does its best to provide a selection of food that meets the needs of vegetarians, strict vegetarian/vegan and macro-biotic meals are not provided. Food allergies or specific, special dietary needs cannot always be accommodated at Loring Hall. If you have specific questions or concerns, please reach out to the Assistant Director (Nikos Gkiokas,
On this form, we will direct you to our Personnel Policy, as well as to a streamlined version of the policy with portions that only pertain to members. We ask that you be familiar with your rights and expected conduct before your arrival. If you have any questions, please contact Alicia Dissinger at
- This information allows us to begin the process of identifying and arranging accommodations for members as early as possible. This information is strictly confidential and will be reviewed only by the School’s doctor.
- All members must complete this form each year.
- Bring your prescription medications, as it/they may be difficult to refill in Greece. Specific brands of medicines and toiletries (e.g. contact lens solutions, deodorants) may not be readily available, so Members should be prepared either to purchase alternative brands or bring an adequate supply of their own. You may want to bring your own specialized hair care products, especially if you have textured hair, as such products may be difficult to find.
Obtain an original copy of your birth certificate, with an Apostile* (if applicable)
If your Passport lists the state or city of your birth (i.e., “Illinois, USA”, “Vancouver, Canada”), then you do not need to bring an original copy of your birth certificate. If your passport does not record your state of birth (or if you were born the country for which you hold a passport), then you will need to obtain an original copy of your birth certificate with Apostille as part of your residency permit application.
If obtaining/needing an Apostille: An Apostille, an internationally-recognized notarization of a document, which can be obtained from the Secretary of State or Vital Records Office in the state or country in which you were born. Members should order a new copy of their birth certificate, as certificates will not be returned after they are deposited with the residence permit application. The process to obtain an Apostille is relatively straight-forward, but can take a considerable amount of time because you must send the certificate out in order to get an Apostille — so obtain these documents early.
Full details about the process are found on the School’s website here.
JUNE 1 DEADLINE (three tasks):
Contact the Consulate*
For US or Canadian Citizens: Contact your local Consulate by June 1 to discuss the necessary timeline for the visa application or submit visa application to a Greek Consulate office.
Any US or Canadian citizen who plans to spend more than 90 days within any given six-month period in Greece and/or any other member of the (27 current members: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. The EU member states Bulgaria, Cyprus, Ireland and Romania are not Schengen countries.) must obtain a special visa BEFORE entry into the Schengen Zone. This visa must be issued by a Greek consulate/embassy in a country where the applicant is a resident, and the application process can take at least a month. Without a visa, you cannot obtain a residence permit! Consult the School's website for information about all of the documents necessary for your visa application, here.
Read the webpage carefully, as you will need specific documents to apply for a visa. Note that you will have to contact Dr. Nikos Gkiokas, the Assistant Director (, for a certification (in English and Greek) that you have been appointed a member of a foreign archaeological school and have obtained housing in Greece. This letter is different than your acceptance letter to the School. Some consulates require a signed insurance letter at your initial appointment (see details about insurance information here). Most insurance provided through universities meet the requirement for the visa, but double check your coverages to confirm. You can also purchase an international health/travel insurance plan to satisfy the requirements for the visa (see details about insurance information here).
Please contact the Assistant Director ( with any questions regarding your visa.
Members are responsible for all fees and costs associated with obtaining and receiving their visa.
For European Union Citizens: A visa and a residence permit are not required for EU nationals. EU law, however, mandates that non-Greek EU nationals must register at the local Aliens Bureau (e.g., at a police station) if they intend to remain in Greece for more than 90 days. The ASCSA will assist members in this process; the procedure is free of charge and individuals will receive a certificate of registration (residence certificate). Non-Greek EU citizens residing in Greece for longer than 90 days could be fined if they do not register.
Complete one online form
Each heading below is a hyperlink to the online form.
- The secure online submission program follows GDPR rules and regulations. This information is strictly confidential. Information provided will be deleted from the online submission form and our internal records at the end of the academic year.
- All members must complete this form.
- If you are an EU Citizen or Greek National without a passport, you should provide us with the information on your EU or Greek identification card.
Have a physician complete TWO forms, the Immunization Form and Physical Examination Report
Forms must be received by June 1.
NOTE: We require all members to be fully vaccinated for Tetanus/Diphtheria (must be within 10 years). We strongly recommend vaccinations for Meningitis, and Hepatitis A and B. Members are also strongly encouraged to keep up to date with both COVID and flu vaccinations. If you are requesting a medical or religious exemption, alert us as soon as possible and well before the June 1st deadline (exemptions are not guaranteed). Exemptions requested after the June 1st deadline will not be considered.
Any medical professional may complete these two forms, such as a doctor, nurse, RN, etc. This information is strictly confidential and will be reviewed only by the School’s doctor. These forms do not impact your participation or acceptance on a program. If the School's doctor has any concerns for your wellbeing while being a member of the School, the doctor will reach out to you or the appropriate staff member(s) (only if necessary) to prepare for your time at the School.
You can download the physical form here and the immunization form here. Once you have the completed form, you can upload a scan (or photo) of the documents securely online here: .
Most members choose to set an appointment with their general physician (or university clinic) for an evaluation/annual physical, at which time a medical professional will complete the forms. Some physicians may wish complete the forms without a physical, but this is usually done if the member is well known to the medical professional.
Any costs incurred during the completion of the medical forms, and other processing forms, is the responsibility of the participant. Such costs may include a small fee to your medical provider to complete the necessary forms and/or a deductible for the appointment with your physician or nurse.
If your physician has difficulty with the forms, they can contact Alicia Dissinger (Princeton, NJ office) at 609-454-6819 or
NOTE: If you completed the Physical Examination Report in 2022 or after 2022, please email to inform us that you do not need to resubmit. When you arrive in Athens, notify the doctor about any important updates about your medical records. If you submitted these forms before 2022, you will need to resubmit them to the School.
If you wish to see a sample itinerary for the trips, click here.
AUGUST 15 DEADLINE (two tasks):
Submit itinerary online
Submit your itinerary online after you have booked your travel, and before August 15th.
If applying for a residence permit, keep your boarding passes for your travel to Greece, whether in paper or electronic format, and bring them to the Assistant Director’s office when you begin the residence permit application process. This is especially important if the flight is not a direct flight to Greece.
Supply insurance information
Complete the online form supplying your insurance information. All persons attending the School are required by Greek law to have health insurance.
The staff in Athens can assist you if you run into any problems. Please contact the Assistant Director ( with any questions regarding insurance.
Members Obtaining a Visa: Insurance requirements. Procure a signed, original letter from the insurance company. You will need this for your visa and residence permit applications. A brief letter is required on insurance company letterhead (NOT from a university or travel agent) certifying that the holder is covered for outpatient medical expenses, hospitalization, and medical evacuation/repatriation. For those needing a visa and residence permit, the length of coverage is at least a year from the start date of the visa even if one stays in Greece less than one year. This is a strict requirement instituted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some consulates will need this letter at your appointment in the US, but you will definitely need this letter once in Greece. Many members have encountered difficulties with insurance companies asking for a letter for a full calendar year. Some insurance companies cannot write these letters until August or September. If you encounter any problems, ask for a health insurance letter to be issued as soon as possible to show the embassy/consulate for the visa application and then procure the original letter prior to your arrival in Greece. For more information about the insurance letter, click here.
Members Not Obtaining a Visa (for US, Greek, and all nationalities): If you are not applying for a visa, you will still need to complete the insurance information so we have a record of your insurance on file.
European Union Citizens (non-Greek citizens): As a citizen of a EU country with a EU/Schengen health insurance card, make sure that you will be covered for outpatient medical expenses, hospitalization, and medical evacuation/repatriation for the duration of your stay in Greece. Complete the insurance information and attach a copy of the EU health insurance card. Showing the card will be necessary when you register with the Greek police to notify them that you will be staying for longer than 90 days.
General Advice for Insurance (for non-EU residents): Some members may have the option to take a one year leave of absence from their graduate program to attend the School. This option will usually “stop the clock to completion” of their degree. In this case, sometimes member's home institutes will not continue to provide health insurance. Health insurance is necessary in order to obtain a visa for study longer than three months and every member of the School is required to have health insurnace valid in Greece. Health insurance packages that satisfy the visa requirement can be purchased at relatively low expense.
- Past members have used various companies such as CISI, Chubb, GeoBlue, IMG, Seven Corners, Tokio Marine/World Trips, etc. Such plans can cost anywhere between $460 to $1,080 for the academic year. More inclusive plans could cost up to $2,627 a year.