Check List for Summer Session and Summer Seminar Programs Participants

Congratulations on your acceptance to an ASCSA Summer Program. We look forward to seeing you in Athens.

Below lists tasks and required forms to prepare for your arrival at the School. If you have been provided the link to this webpage, follow the deadlines for all tasks and forms listed for your specific program, unless otherwise noted. 

Questions? Contact the Programs Office in Princeton, New Jersey at application@ascsa.org.


You can find answers to frequently asked questions about the program here: /programs/summer-session-and-seminars/summer-programs-faq.

Note about Visas

Most citizens of the U.S. or Canada do not need a special visa to travel in Greece during the summer. However, any U.S. or Canadian citizen who plans to spend more than 90 days during a six-month period in Greece and/or any other country of the Schengen Zone within a six-month period must obtain a special visa BEFORE entry into the Schengen Zone. Summer Seminar accounts for 19 days and the Summer Session accounts for 45 days. Any participant who plans to combine, for example, a spring or fall study abroad program with the ASCSA Summer Session may exceed the 90-day limit. Please consult the Assistant Director (assist.director@ascsa.edu.gr) with any questions regarding visas. 

There are three deadlines for the Summer Session and Summer Seminars: 

March 12
April 1
May 1

Failure to complete and return required forms in a timely manner will have consequences.

MARCH 12 DEADLINE (3 tasks):

Complete two online forms and pay deposit

COMPLETE THE ONLINE "General Information and Housing Preferences Form"

Complete the online ""
(Click the form name/link to go to form.)

This form will take a few minutes to complete.
Please be aware that while the Loring Hall kitchen staff does its best to provide a selection of food that meets the needs of vegetarians, strict vegetarian/vegan and macro-biotic meals are not provided. Food allergies or specific, special dietary needs cannot always be accommodated at Loring Hall.

Due March 12


Complete the online ""
(Click the form name/link to go to form.)

  • The secure online submission program (Submittable) follows GDPR rules and regulations. This information is strictly confidential. Information provided will be deleted from the online submission form and our internal records at the end of the program. 
  • If you are an EU Citizen or Greek National without a passport, you should provide us with the information on your EU or Greek identification card. If you are traveling internationally, check to see if you will need a passport for your international travel - most EU citizens do not need a passport to travel within the EU, as long as they have a national identity card. 
  • If you do not have a valid passport or travel document, please apply for one immediately (if necessary). If you do not have a valid travel document, please notify the Programs Department by the deadline at application@ascsa.org.


Summer Session and Summer Seminar participants must pay a deposit of $200 by March 12.


Fee information:

Payment of Summer Session fees - $4,900 USD Total Amount
Deposit of $200 due March 12
Balance of fee $4,700 due April 1

Payment of Summer Seminar fees - $2,750 USD Total Amount
Deposit of $200 due March 12
Balance of fee $2,550 due April 1

Participants who have been awarded full scholarships funded by the ASCSA for the Summer Session or a Seminar must still pay the deposit. The deposit will be refunded upon completion of the summer program. The refund will be processed the way you paid, for example, if you paid via credit card, we will refund that credit card upon completion the program. 

Participants who have been awarded partial scholarships funded by the ASCSA for the Summer Session or a Seminar must pay the deposit. When paying the final balance of fees, deduct your scholarship amount from this final payment. Example: If you were awarded a $1,000 ASCSA scholarship for a Seminar, you will need to pay the full deposit ($200) and then the remaining amount ($1,550). 

Refund Policy: Deposits are not refunded except in the case of those participants holding full scholarships (as described above).

There are four ways to make a payment for the deposit and balance of fees: 

  1. Online by credit card (via PayPal with no existing registered PayPal account (i.e. check out as a guest)):
    Please link to: . Once you complete the form and press "SUBMIT," you will be automatically directed to a PayPal page where you can enter your credit card information. No need to create a PayPal account to use this method of payment if you click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card." Note that you may need to unclick the button on the bottom of the page that says "Save info & create your PayPal account," if you do not wish to create an account with PayPal. 
    By linking to this form you may also pay with e-check or bank transfer, but if you pay by e-check or bank transfer you must then create a PayPal account or log into your PayPal account. 
  2. Online via PayPal (with existing or registered PayPal account):

    Step 1: Proceed to PayPal to process your payment: . It is quick and easy, and instructions on how to do this are included on the PayPal website. You will need to create an account with PayPal.

    Step 2:  Once you are logged into PayPal, please click "Send & Request" in the blue bar at the top of the page. You will see a form that says "Send money to." In the box below "Send money to," type or paste this email address: bjulian@ascsa.org. Then click "next." Sending funds to this email address will send your payment directly to the ASCSA where it will be received by the Accountant (B. Julian). 

    Step 3: Type in the amount to be paid. Underneath the amount, where it says "note," write the name of the Summer Program for which you are paying.

    Step 4: Select your method of payment, then click "Send Payments Now."

    You will receive a confirmation message from PayPal letting you know your payment was processed. Note: You will not receive an automatic email confirming your payment from the ASCSA.

  3. Pay by credit card over the phone, you may call 1-609-462-8565. 

  4. Pay by check:
    Make check payable to "The Ï㽶ÊÓƵ" making a note about the Summer Program for which you are paying. Send to:
    ASCS at Athens
    P.O. Box 23743
    New York, NY 10087-3743


APRIL 1 DEADLINE (3 tasks):

Pay balance of fees and complete two online forms

Pay Balance of Fees

See the above section entitled "DEPOSIT" for information about paying the remaining balance of fees. 
Due April 1

Complete your payment of Summer Session fees - $4,900 Total Amount, less $200 Deposit*
Balance of fee $4,700 due April 1

Payment of Summer Seminar fees - $2,750 Total Amount, less $200 Deposit*
Balance of fee $2,550 due April 1

*If you have an ASCSA scholarship, adjust the final amount accordingly. 

Complete TWO Online Forms

Each heading below is a hyperlink to the online form. 

  • The secure online submission program (Submittable) follows GDPR rules and regulations. This information is strictly confidential. Information provided will be deleted from the online submission form and our internal records at the end of the program. 
  • All persons attending the School are required by Greek law to have health insurance that covers medical and pharmaceutical expenses, hospitalization, and medical evacuation/repatriation for the duration of their stay.  If you do not have insurance of this type and do not have an insurance agent, you may wish to contact one of the many companies that offer international health and travel insurance coverage. Some past participants purchased an international health/travel insurance plan online, if their current plan did not cover them internationally. Past members have used various companies such as CISI, Chubb, GeoBlue, IMG, Seven Corners, Tokio Marine/World Trips, etc.

  • The information provided on the online medical form allows us to begin the process of identifying and arranging accommodations (if any) for members as early as possible. This information is strictly confidential and will be reviewed only by the School’s doctor.  
  • All participants must complete this form each year.
  • This form will take a few minutes to complete.






MAY 1 DEADLINE (3 tasks):

Submit one online form, have completed medical forms, report any changes

Submit your travel information online

  • On the form, you are asked to upload a color digital photograph. The photograph should show your head and shoulders against a plain background. The jpg or tif image needs to be 600 x 600 to 1200 x 1200 pixels, not exceeding 1 MB. This will be used to create your ASCSA ID card and museum pass (if applicable). Preferably, it should be a passport style photo. DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR PASSPORT. If you have a valid museum pass or ASCSA ID card already, bring it with you to the School, as you may not be provided with a new card upon arrival. 
  • All applicants need to complete this form, even if someone lives in Greece and/or are a resident in Greece. 

Have a physician complete the Physical Examination Report and Immunization Form

We require all program participants to be fully vaccinated for Tetanus/Diphtheria (must be within 10 years). We strongly recommend vaccinations for Meningitis, and Hepatitis A and B. Participants are also strongly encouraged to keep up to date with both COVID and flu vaccinations. If you are requesting a medical or religious exemption, alert us as soon as possible and well before the deadline (exepmptions are not guaranteed). Exemptions requested after the form deadline will not be considered.

You can download the physical form here and the immunization form here. Once a doctor or medical professional have the completed form, you can upload a scan (or photo) of the documents securely online here: . These will go to the School doctor only, and all information is confidential.  

Most participants choose to set an appointment with their general physician (or university clinic) for an evaluation/annual physical, at which time a medical professional will complete the forms. Some physicians may wish complete the forms without a physical, but this is usually done if the participant is well known to the medical professional. 

Any costs incurred during the completion of the medical forms, and other processing forms, is the responsibility of the participant. Such costs may include a small fee to your medical provider to complete the necessary forms and/or a deductible for the appointment with your physician/nurse/medical professional.

If your physician has difficulty with any of the forms, they can contact Alicia Dissinger (Princeton, NJ office) at 609-454-6819 or adissinger@ascsa.org.

NOTE if you have completed these forms previously: If you completed the Physical Examination Report in 2022 or after 2022 (and your medical information has not change), please email application@ascsa.org to inform us that you do not need to resubmit. If you submitted these forms before 2022, you will need to resubmit them to the School.

Report Changes

Report changes to the Programs Office at application@ascsa.org.

Due May 1, if applicable

The Ï㽶ÊÓƵ does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national or ethnic origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation when considering admission to any form of membership or application for employment.