Regulations and Policies

Regulations of the Managing Committee (as revised February 6, 2024)
Committee Procedures Handbook (last revised February 2023)
Social Media Guidelines (adopted January 2018)
Guiding Information (last revised June 2021)
Granting Policy (last revised May 2013)
Personnel Policy (Part I) (approved December 12, 2019)
Personnel Policies and Regulations (as amended May 14, 2011)
Personnel Policy for Greek Employees
Protocol for Discussion and Approval of Appointments at Meetings (as adopted January 2011)
Misconduct Policy (adopted May 8, 2004)
ASCSA Conflict of Interest Policy
ASCSA Whistle Blower Policy
Trustee Bylaws

For a copy of the Managing Committee Directory, contact the Programs Administrator (programs@ascsa.org). The Managing Committee Directory is only available for Managing Committee Members.