Homer A. Thompson Papers: Series XI

Objects (Boxes 189-200)

BOX 189

Small oblong plastic box with U.S. coins labeled “Money for Picture Books”
Bronze replicas of Athenian Lawcourt ballots (seven boxes)
Engraved printing plate “Beneath the Surface”

Medals awarded to Homer A. Thompson:
Εκατονταετηρίς Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (1837-1937)
Σύλλογος των Αθηναίων Homer A. Thompson ανθ’ ων υπέρ της πόλεως έπραξε (3.9.1956)
Commander of the Royal Order of the Phoenix (1956)
Honorary Doctorate, Universite de Lyon (1963)
American Institute of Archaeology’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement (1972)
University Museum, University of Pennsylvania’s Lucy Wharton Drexel Medal (1978)
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut’s 150 anniversary silver medal (1979)
Heidelberg Academy of Science’s Jubilee Medal (1984)
IX Congres International d’Epigraphie Grecque et Latine Sofia (31 August – 7 September 1987)
British Academy’s Frederic George Kenyon Medal for Classical Studies (1991)
American Philosophical Society’s Thomas Jefferson Medal (26 April 1996)
Göteborg … (?)

Medals awarded to Dorothy Burr Thompson:
Golden Cross of the Royal Order of Beneficence (1956)
American Institute of Archaeology’s Gold Medal for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement (1987)
Video cassette: “Agora of Athens 1979”
Framed photograph of Agora staff (nd)

Unlabeled box with photographs of inscriptions
Small notebook: “Middle Stoa Columns No. 3-77”
Small notebook: “Middle Stoa Columns No. 78-150”
Small notebook: “Middle Stoa Parapet”

Mounted artwork by Pamela Sinclair (HAT's daughter) under the title "Medallion 1.20 1976" signed by the artist

BOX 190

Five academic gowns: one is Université de Lyon gown (1963) and University of Michigan hood for Honorary Degree (June 1957) [Three of them hanging]

University of Athens chain in flat oblong blue velvet box and two briefcases [outside box]

BOX 191

(stored separately)

William James Thompson’s Quebec high school degree (1893)
H.A.T.: Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Corresponding Member (1953)
H.A.T.: Doctor of Letters, Toronto (1961)
H.A.T.: German Archaeological Institute (1962)
H.A.T.: University of Athens Degree (two copies) (1963)
H.A.T.: Elected V.P. Greek Archaeological Society (24 September 1987)
H.A.T.: Fellow of the Canadian Mediterranean Institute (22 November 1990)
Gold Cross of Beneficence, King Paul’s award to Dorothy Burr Thompson (9 September 1956)
Dorothy Burr’s diplomas
“Notes on some Greek and Roman Pottery from the Pnyx” and drawings (Wycherly?)
Layout for Agora pamphlets
Two plates of Roman wall paintings
Mounted photographs: four views of figured vase

BOX 192

(stored separately)

Rolled degrees, honors and certificates of membership:
Public Schools of British Columbia: Roll of Honour (1913)
Public Schools of British Columbia: Award for Proficiency (1916)
Public Schools of British Columbia: Roll of Honour (1917)
Public Schools of British Columbia: High School Entrance Certificate (July 24 1918)
Public Schools of British Columbia: Roll of Honour (1918)
Public Schools of British Columbia: Manual Training Diploma (1920)
University of British Columbia: Matriculation Exam and class grades (1920)

High School and University Matriculation Board of British Columbia: Junior Matriculation Certificate (1921)
University of British Columbia: BA (1925)
University of British Columbia: MA (20 May 1927)
German Archaeological Institute: Corresponding Member (1934)
Royal Society of Canada (20 May 1947)
University of British Columbia: LLD (26 October 1949)
American Philosophical Society Membership (21 April 1951)
German Archaeological Institute: Regular Member (9 December 1953)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Membership (8 May 1957)
Dartmouth College: Honorary Doctor of Letters (1957)
Université de Lyon: Honorary Degree (22 October 1963)
University of Freiburg: Honorary Degree (1 May 1966)
Swedish Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities (7 June 1966)
Framed watercolor of vase with Athena and shield, inscribed “ASCSA Trustees 1968-1987”
Society of Antiquaries of London: Membership Certificate (14 January 1971)
Austrian Archaeological Institute (31 October 1975)
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (2 April 1977)
German Archaeological Institute: Honorary Membership Certificate (21 April 1979)
Greek Archaeological Society (20 February 1980)
Paris X Nanterre University: Honorary Degree (27 January 1984)
(See also other diplomas and honors in Series VI: Personal History BOX 164)

On top of BOXES 189 and 190

ΒΟΧ 193

Folder 1: Film Reel, 16mm, 100ft, diacetate, Discovery of Mycenaean Tomb
Folder 2: Film Reel, 16mm, 100ft, diacetate, Discovery of Peplophoros (Agora 1933)
Folder 3: Film Reel, 16mm, 100ft, diacetate, Discovery of Nike acroterion (Agora 1933)
Folder 4: Film Reel, 16mm, 100ft, diacetate, Discovery of Hadrian's statue?(Agora 1933)
Folder 5: Film Reel, 16mm, 100ft, diacetate, Discovery of stele (Agora 1933)
Folder 6: Film Reel, 16mm, 100ft, diacetate, Discovery of Nike acroterion (Agora 1933)
Folder 7: Film Reel, 16mm, 100ft, diacetate (Agora 1933)

BOX 194

Film Reel, 16mm, 350ft, diacetate, Discovery of Nereid, and Protogeometric Pottery (1932)

Box 195

Film Reel, 16mm, diacetate, Beginning of Agora Excavations (1931)

Box 196

Film Reel, 16mm, 350ft, diacetate, Discovery of Hadrian's statue (1932)

Box 197

Film Reel, mono, 16mm, 350ft, diacetate, “Agora USIS Movie Film on Stoa of Attalos”(1956)

Box 198

Film Reel, 16mm, 350ft, polyester, color, various themes (potter's workshop, plowing of fields, excavation of Mycenaean tomb, drawing water from well, and the Agora ballots) [Alison Frantz, 1951]; two film reels labeled “MAF Fall 1953", 16mm, 100ft, polyester, color.

Box 199

Video cassette (U-matic), Agora (BBC Production, 1978)

Box 200

Film Reel, color, mono, 16mm, triacetate, 300ft, "Before Nomad" (Throne Dance Company, 1983)