Homer A. Thompson Papers: Series X

Photographs and Negatives (Boxes 182-188, 201-205)

BOX 182

Mounted and labeled photographs of Agora sites and objects
Pages from ledger dated 1932-1934 with filled columns: Cat# / Place / Depth / Subject / Coins / Context / Date
Life Magazine photograph of Homer A. Thompson, Ward Canaday, Charles Morgan and John L. Caskey (1956)
“EΛΛΑΣ” – “Photos N. Zographos 6 Rue Hermès, Athènes” (book of large prints of archaeological sites in Athens)

BOX 183

“From Margaret Bieber’s book on Theater” (photographs taped on boards)
Approximately 200 kodachrome slides of various sites, soil samples, bones, etc. (stored in slotted sheets)

BOXES 184-188

Photographs of Homer A. Thompson in five file drawers (A large collection of mounted and unmounted photographs in various sizes of Agora plans, excavations, finds, reconstruction of the Stoa of Attalos and construction of the museum; photographs “from Bieber File”; ancient archaeological sites; archaeological objects from European and North American museums; mock-up of book plates; etc.)

BOX 201 

Negatives #1-500 (digitized under ESPA Call 31) - kept in vertical black binders. For access to the Homer A. Thompson Photographic Collection, please go to Photographic Collections.

BOX 202 

Negatives #501-800 (digitized under ESPA Call 31) - kept in vertical black binders. For access to the Homer A. Thompson Photographic Collection, please go to Photographic Collections.

BOX 203

Negatives # 801- 1229 (digitized under ESPA Call 31) - kept in vertical black binders. For access to the Homer A. Thompson Photographic Collection, please go to Photographic Collections.

BOX 204

Negatives # 1230-1624 (digitized under ESPA Call 31) - kept in vertical black binders. For access to the Homer A. Thompson Photographic Collection, please go to Photographic Collections.
Also from later acquisitions (Pamela Thompson Todd, 2002 and 2013) five photos (Rodney Young 1941; John Caskey and Bert H. Hill, 1956; Evelyn Harrison, 1959; Virginia Grace,1982; John Philippides, Homer Thompson, and Henry Immerwahr, 1982)

BOX 205

Empty cases of negatives; also a small collection of negatives from trips outside Greece (e.g. Sweden 1955) which were not digitized under ESPA in 2015.