Homer A. Thompson Papers: Series IA

Personal and Professional Correspondence (A-H) (Boxes 1-31)


Folder 1: Abdelnour, Henri (1974)
Abellios, Athanasios (1996)
AbouZayd, Shafiq
~ see Janine and Jean-Charles Balty
Abramson, Herbert (1974-1979)
Ackerman, Robert Allen (1971-1988)
Adams, Alison
~ see Alison Adams Dickey
Adams, Fred B., Jr.
~ see Associations: Pierpont Morgan Library

Folder 2: Adams, Joseph D. (1970)
Adatto, Carl (1972)
Adcock, Frank E. (1952-1955)
Adkins, Arthur (1977)
Adolf, Helen (1953)
Adossidi, A. (1940-1942)
Adossidi, Ellie (1972)
Adrakta, Soula (1983)
Adshead, Katherine (1973)
Agerholm, Margaret (1971)
Ahrens, E. H. (Peter), Jr. (1973-1974)
Ailshie, William K. (1968)
Akamatis, John M. (1987)
Åkerström, Åke (1954-1991)
Åkerström-Hougen, Gunilla (1974-1993)
Akurgal, Ekrem (1969-1983)
~ see also Cevdet Bayburtluoglu

Folder 3: Alcock, Susan E. (1991)
Alderfer, Harold F. (1952-1981)
Aldrich, William T.
~ see ASCSA: Management 1945-1948, 1954, 1955
Alexander, Christine (1949-1952)
Alexander, James W. (1957)
Alexander, Margaret (nd)
Alexander, P. (nd)
Alexander, Ralph E. (1979)
~ see also AIA: Local Society – Rochester
Alexander, Robert (1954)
Alexandrescu, Petre (1972-1998)
~ see also Robert Cook, D. M. Pippidi, Bluma L. Trell
Alexandri, Olga (1970)

Folder 4: Alföldi, Andrew (1958-1981)
~ see also Herbert Cahn
~ see also IAS: 1954, 1955
Alföldi, Elisabeth
~ see Elisabeth Alföldi-Rosenbaum
Alföldi-Rosenbaum, Elisabeth (1969-1993)
~ see also François Chamoux, Frederick Elliot Winter
Alföldy, Géza (1982-1996)
Alford,—- (1954)

Folder 5: Ålin, Per A. (1968)
Alkim, U. Bahadir (1974)
Allen, A. K. (1948?)
Allen, Hubert L. (1972-1979)
Allen, Peter S.
~ see AIA: Local Society - Providence
Allen, Philip R. (1954-1955)
Allen, R. S. S. (1966)
Allen, Roy
~ see Mortimer Wheeler
Allen, Susan Heuck (1991-1998)
Allen, W. Sidney (1966)
Allen, Winthrop (1956-1957)
Alp, Sedat (1968)
Alsop, Joseph (1964-1989)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1967, 1972
Alston, Winifred (1957-1982)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1982

Folder 6: Altshul, Wendy (1955)
Amandry, Pierre (1951-1994)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Special Lectures and Honorary Members
Ammerman, Albert J. (1990-1997)
Ammerman, Rebecca Miller (1993-1997)
Ampolo, Carmine (1973)


Folder 1: Amyx, Darrell (Dick) A. (1956-1987)
~ see also Mario A. Del Chiaro
~ see also Associations: University of California
Anderson, Jock K. (1977)
~ see also ASCSA: Excavation Permits
Anderson, Maxwell (1951)
Anderson, Maxwell L. (1985)
Anderson, Raymond (1971/75?)
Anderson, Richard C.
~ see ASCSA: Publications 1994
Anderson, Sherry D.
~ see ASCSA: Management 1979, 1983
Anderson, Stanley F., Mrs.
~ see Sherry D. Anderson
Anderson-Stojanović, Virginia R. (1985-1986)
Andreades, Christos
~ see Eugene Vanderpool
Andreadis, Stratis (1972-1973)
Andreae, Bernard (1975)
Andrén, Arvid (1969)

Folder 2: Andrewes, Antony (1983-1990)
Andrews, Kathryne (1968-1969)
Andrews, Kevin (1980)
~ see also Elizabeth Boleman Herring
Andronikos, Manolis (1968-1992)
~ see also George Mylonas
Angel, J. Lawrence (1938-1986)
Ankner, D. (1975)
Annan, Lord (1974)
Antonaccio, Carla (1984-1996)
Antoniades, Anne (1975)
Antoniades, John, Mrs.
~ see Anne Antoniades
Appel, Allan (1980)
Appeldoorn, Nellij (1990)
Applegate, J. E. (1985)
Appleton, John (1983)
Arce, J. Javier (1982-1986)
Archer, Laird (1949-1956)
Archonteidou, Aglaia (1994)
Arkin, Frieda W. (1952)
Arkley, Stanley (1969-1972)
~ see also Carl Adatto
~ see also Associations: University of British Columbia

Folder 3: Armstrong, David (1983-1985)
Armstrong, H. S. (1972)
Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen (1978-1996)
~ see also Associations: American Numismatic Society
Arnott, W. Geoffrey (1971-1997)
Arrowsmith, William (1973)
Asgari, Nusin (1983)
~ see also AIA: Lecture Program – Kress Lectures

Folder 4: Ashby, Clifford (1988-1992)

Folder 5: Ashby, Clifford (1993-1998)
Ashley, Samuel E. Q. (1987)
Ashmead, Ann Harnwell (1970-1982)
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society

Folder 6: Ashmole, Bernard (1949-1988)
~ see also John Davidson Beazley
Assimacopoulos, George (1986)
Astin, Alan E. (1975-1977)
Athanasiu, Gregory R. (1989)
Athanassiades, Theodosios E. (1957-1976)
Atkinson, Alta B. (1978)
Atkinson, Kathleen M. T. (1971)
Atmore, Robert (1958)
Auberson, Paul (1977)
~ see also AIA: Lecture Program – Kress Lecturer
Augustin, J. J. (1957-1984)
Avery, Harry C. (1974-1995)
~ see also Associations: University of Pittsburgh


Folder 1: Baak, Tryggve (1971)
Babbitt, Katherine M. (1987-1991)
Bach, Otto Karl
~ see Associations: Denver Art Musuem
Bacon, Helen (1973-1992)
Bacon, Linda (1971)
Badian, Ernst (1975)
Baerentzen, Lars (1978-1990)
Bagnani, Gilbert & Stewart (1952-1989)
Bailey, D. M. (1962)
Bailey, Douglass Whitfield (1982-1995)
Bailey, Mary (1952)
Bailey, Scott L.
~ see Douglass Whitfield Bailey

Folder 2: Bain, George W. (1949)
Baird, David
~ see ASCSA: Management 1958
Bakalakis, George (1970-1971)
~ see also Jerome Pollitt
Baker, Richard W., Jr. (1978-1996)
~ see also Associations: Princeton Battlefield Area Preservation Society
Baker, Walter Cummings (1955-1956)
Bakir, Güven (1967-1986)
Bakirer, Ömür (1976-1977)
Μπακιρτζής, Γιάννης (1970)
Bakoulis, Yanni
~ see ASCSA: Management 1951
Baldwin, Cyril & Doris (1978-1983)
Baldwin, Ludlow H. (1976)
~ see also AIA: Lecture Program – Norton Lecturer, Local Society – Baltimore
Balkan, Kemal (1969)
Balme, David M. (1977)
Balsdon, J. P. V. Dacre (1961-1962)
Balty, Janine & Jean-Charles (1985-1996)
~ see also AIA: Lecture Program – Norton Lecturer
Bamberger, Louis (1984)
Bammer, Anton (1970-1975)
~ see also Associations: Kunsthistorisches Museum

Folder 3: Bancroft, Sarah (1979)
Bankel, Hans George (1986)
Banti, Luisa (1961-1966)
Barag, Dan P. (1974-1986)
Barber, Charles F. (1985)
Barber, Robin L. N. (1986)
Barnett, Neil (1975)
Barnum, Phelps (1957-1976)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1953-1954
Barrett, Anthony A. (1974-1975)
~ see also Associations: Classical Association of Canada – H.A.T. Lecture Tour . . .
Barron, John P. (1970-1991)
~ see also Associations: University of London
Barr-Sharrar, Beryl (1981-1986)
~ see also Associations: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. – Symposium . . .
Bartindale, Peter H. & Vina (+ photo) (1973-1983)

Folder 4: Bass, George F. (1961-1993)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1995
~ see also Associations: Institute of Nautical Archaeology
~ see also Personal History: Donation and Sale of Thompson Library
Bastien, Pierre C. V. (1980)
Batts, Michael S.
~ see Associations: Canadian Federation for the Humanities
Bauer, Heinrich (1959)
Bayan, Enid (1982-1985)

Folder 5: Bayburtluoglu, Cevdet (1984-1985)
Beadle, Muriel (1959)
Bean, George E. & Jane (1971-1978)
Beaujeu, Jean (+ photo) (1985-1986)
Beazley, John Davidson (+ photo) (1935-1985)
~ see also Dorothy Burr Thompson
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society, Ashmolean Museum
Becatti, Giovanni & Maria B. (1959-1976)
Beck, Roger (1985)
Belcher, T. G. (1969)
Bell, Malcolm (1974-1998)
Bell, Whitfield J., Jr.
~ see Associations: American Philosophical Society

Folder 6: Bellinger, Alfred R. (1952-1978)
~ see also Virginia Grace, Wilhelm Schwabacher
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1945, 1960-1965, 1969; Publications 1952, 1960-1964
~ see also Associations: Ford Foundation
Benaki, Constantine
~ see ASCSA: Management 1955
Benaki, Loukas A. (1973-1976)
Benardete, Seth (1956-1985)
~ see also Peter von Blankenhagen
Ben-David, Arye (1974)
Benedini, Carmine (1957-1958)
Benjamin, Anna Shaw (1959-1979)
~ see also ASCSA: Publications 1960, 1971
~ see also Associations: Rutgers University


Folder 1: Benner, Richard B. (1976)
Bennett, Emmett L., Jr. (1954-1979)
~ see also AIA: Local Society – Madison, Wisconsin
Benson, Jack Leonard (1952-1986)
~ see also Associations: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Benson, Jackie S. (1984)
Berdolt, Veronika (1968)

Folder 2: Berger, Ernst (1966-1990)
Bergquist, Birgitta (1974-1994)
Berlin, Andrea M. (1986-1989)
Bernard, Paul & Joan (+ photo) (1968-1993)
~ see also AIA: Lecture Program – Norton Lecturer
Bernhard, Marie Louise (1969-1991)
~ see also Darrell A. Amyx
Berrenberg, Rüdiger Schneider (1989-1990)
Beschi, Luigi (1973-1985)

Folder 3: Besi, Helen (1971-1974)
Best, Davina(?) (1957)
Betancourt, Philip (1970-1985)
Bettelheim, Wilhelm (1998)
Beyer, Immo (1975)
Biddle, Martin (1971-1985)
~ see also Associations: University of Pennsylvania
Bieber, Margarete (1950-1985)
~ see also Hetty Goldman
~ see also Associations: Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Bielefeld, Erwin (1961-1969)
Bier, Justus (1955-1970)

Folder 4: Biers, William R. (1972-1982)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1975
~ see also Associations: Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage
Biezunska-Malowist, Iza (1975-1978)
Biggers, John D. (1971)
Bikaki, Aliki Halepa (1977)
Bilitz, John J. (1957)
Billot, Marie-Françoise (1976-1995)
Binder, Judith
~ see Judith Perlzweig
Binder, Wolfgang (1967)
Binsfeld, Wolfgang (1965)
Birchall, Ann (1976-1980)
Biris, Kostas
~ see ASCSA: Management 1952, 1953
Bittel, Kurt (1958-1991)
~ see also Hetty Goldman
~ see ASCSA: Management 1963
~ see also IAS: 1959
Black, M. (nd)
Blakeway, Alan (nd)

Folder 5: Blanckenhagen, Peter Heinrich von (1954-1990)
~ see also Günter Kopcke
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society
Blau, Eva (1990)
Blegen, Carl W. (1934-1970)
~ see also Robert D. Blegen
Blegen, Robert D. (1994-1997)
Bliquez, Lawrence (1978-1993)
Bliss, Robert Woods (1958)
Bloch, Herbert (1954-1969)

Folder 6: Bloedow, Edmund F. (1982-1996)
Bloesch, H. (1989)
Blomberg, Mary (1981-1984)
Boardman, John (1962-1995)
Boas, George (1955)
Boatman, Roy M. (1956)
Bodnar, Edward W. (1956-1996)


Folder 1: Boegehold, Alan L. (1957-1998)
~ see also Rhys Carpenter, Rhys Townsend
~ see also ASCSA: Committee on Personel; Management 1963-1966, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1985,
1987, 1992; Publications 1992

Folder 2: Boehringer, Erich (1958)
Börker, Christoph (1973-1983)
Boersma, Joh. S. (1976-1977)
Boëthius, Axel (1938-1957)
Boggess, Elizabeth McNeil (1972)
Boggess, W. Frank (1970)
Boggs, Jean Sutherland (1982-1983)
~ see also Associations: National Gallery of Canada
Bojadziev, Dimitar (1992)
Bolotin, Gerald G. (1958)
Bond, Godfrey W. (1973-1988)
Bonfante, Larissa B. Warren (1974-1998)
~ see also Margarete Bieber
Bongard-Levin, S. (1993)
~ see also William Coulson
Bonitz, John H. (1979)
Bonner, Campbell, Mrs. (1954)
Booker, Bobby Fred (1954)

Folder 3: Bookidis, Nancy (1983)
Booth, Charles C. (1959-1963)
Bordenachi, Gabriella (1966)
Bordewich, Fergus M. (1986)
Borel, Armand
~ see Robert Bridges
Borza, Eugene N. (1986-1995)
Bosworth, A. Brian (1974-1978)

Folder 4: Bothmer, Bernard von (+ photo) (1972-1994)
~ see also Andrea M. Berlin, Dietrich von Bothmer
~ see also AIA: Committee on Relations with the Schools, Illicit Traffic in Archaeological Objects
Bothmer, Dietrich von & Joyce (1954-1997)
Boulter, Cedric G. & Patricia (1952-1989)
~ see also Associations: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, University of Cincinnati
~ see also Professional Publications: American Journal of Archaeology

Folder 5: Bouras, Charalambos (1970-1994)
~ see also Associations: Committee for the Preservation of the Acropolis Monuments
Bouzek, Jan (1973-1990)
~ see also AIA: Lecture Program – Norton Lecturer
Bowen, Alan C. (1982-1989)
Bowen, William G.
~ see Associations: Princeton University Art Museum
Bowersock, Glen W. (1968-1998)
~ see also Petre Alexandrescu, Robert Butow
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society, Archaeology Club, Bedford College
Bowie, Ewen L. (1971)
Bowman, A. K. (nd)
Bowman, Steven (1978)
Boyd, Julian P. (1971)
Boyd, Thomas D. (1973)


Folder 1: Brackenridge, Bruce J. & Mary Ann Rossi-Brackenridge (1978-1989)
Bradeen, Donald W. (1959-1972)
~ see also John Caskey, Benjamin Meritt
Brademas, John (1964-1977)
Bradford, A. Steve (1983)
Bradford, John P. S. (1955-1957)
Bradley, Bill (1982-1990)
~ see also AIA: Illicit Traffic in Archaeological Objects
Bradshaw, Michael
~ see ASCSA: Management 1951
Braidwood, Robert J. (1971)
~ see also Hetty Goldman, Willard F. Libby
Braithwaite, Gilliam, Mrs. (1983)
~ see also Henry Robinson
Brandt, Elfriede (1978-1979)
Brandt, Rasmus (1973-1982)

Folder 2: Brann, Eva (1953-1962)
Branner, Robert, Mrs. (1973)
Braun, Egon (1971)
Braun, T. F. R. G.
~ see AIA: Lecture Program – Norton Lecturer
Breasted, James H., Jr. (1980)
Breckenridge, Harvey (1957)
Breckenridge, James D. (1975)
Breese, Alia (nd)
Breitenstein, Niels (1958-1959)
Brendel, Otto J. & Maria W. (1969-1994)
~ see also William V. Harris
~ see also Associations: Columbia University – University Seminar on Classical Civilization
Brett, Gerard
~ see Associations: Royal Ontario Museum
Breuer, Catherine (1990)
Brian, Denis (1989)
Bridges, Robert (1987-1991)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1984
Brieger, Peter H. & Barbara (1954-1978)
~ see also Associations: University of Toronto
Briggs, Ellis O. (1963-1976)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1963
Briggs, Ward W., Jr.
~ see Professional Publications: Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists
Brilliant, Richard (1981)
~ see also Margarete Bieber
Brindle, John V.
~ see Associations: Hunt Botanical Library
Brink, Charles
~ see Hugh Plommer
Brinkerhoff, Dericksen N. (1959-1977)
Britton, Christine (1975)
Britton, Hugh, Mrs.
~ see Christine Britton
Brodigan, Bruce F. (1975)
Brogan, Oliver (1968-1974)
Brokaw, Clotilda (1958)

Folder 3: Brommer, Frank (1955-1993)
Broneer, Oscar T. & Jon & Paul (1947-1995)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1945, 1948
~ see also Associations: Samuel H. Kress Foundation
~ see also IAS: 1953


Folder 1: Broughton, T. Robert S. (1952-1981)
Brouskari, Maria S. (1974-1991)
Brovarski, Edward (1987)
Brown, Blanche R. & Milton (1957-1985)
Brown, Carter (1995)
~ see also Associations: National Gallery of Art
Brown, Edwin L. (1971-1977)
Brown, Frank E. (1951-1988)
Brown, Frederick F. (1991)
Brown, Jonathan (1979)
Brown, John Nicholas (1958)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1952, 1954, 1976
Brown,  Norman O. (1942)
Brown, T. Julian (1967-1970)
Bruml, Ethel (1969)
Bruml, Milton, Mrs.
~ see Ethel Bruml
Brunnsåker, Sture (1968-1973)
Bruno, Vincent J. (1967-1974)

Folder 2: Bruns, Gerda (1952-1968)
Bruun, Patrick M. (1976-1990)
Bryce, Trevor R. & Nan (1983-1988)
Buchholz, Hans-Günter (1979-1989)
Buchner, Edmund (1981-1988)
~ see also Associations: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, International Congress for
Buck, Robert J. (1968)
Bucovală, Mihai (1973-1974)
Büsing, Hermann (1975)
~ see also Peter von Blankenhagen
Büsing-Kolbe, Andrea (1973)
Buhl, Marie-Louise (1983)
Buitron, Diana (1980-1993)
Buitron-Oliver, Diana
~ see Diana Buitron
Bull, Ludlow (1952)
Bull, Robert J. (1979)
Bunnell, Peter C. (1985)

Folder 3: Buraselis, Kostas (1997)
Burford, Alison M. (1962-1978)
Burgi, Richard (1972)
Burkhalter, Fabienne (1987)
Burn, Andrew Robin & Mary (1958-1991)
Burnham, Dorothy (1978-1980)
~ see also Associations: Royal Ontario Museum
Burns, Alfred (1975)
Burr, Pamela (1938-1946)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1969
Burrows, Colin J. (1973)
Burrows, Reynold L. (1954-1961)
Burry, Barbara (1953)
Buschor, Ernst (1954-1957)
Buscombe, Royal (1989)
Bush, Thelma (1974)
Butcher, Kevin
~ see Neda Leipen
Butler, Jay J. (1955)
Butow, Robert J. C. (1964-1997)
~ see also Associations: University of Washington
Butterfield, Lyman H. (1963)
Byvanek-Quarles van Ufford, Lili (1968-1994)


Folder 1: Cadbury, Henry J. (1952)
Cadogan, Gerald
~ see AIA: Committee on Nominations
~ see Associations: Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage, University of Cincinnati
Cahn, Herbert A. (1960-1996)
Cairns, Huntington (1968-1972)
Calder, William M., III (1973-1975)
Caley, Earle R. (1953-1954)
Callaghan, Peter J. (1972-1980)
Callmer, Christian (1954-1983)

Folder 2: Cambitoglou, Alexander (1957-1990)
~ see also Associations: Association for Classical Archaeology, Australian-American
Educational Foundation, Australian Archaelogical Institute of Athens, Nicholson Museum
~ see also IAS: 1953
Cameron, Averil (1979-1984)

Folder 3: Camp, John Mck., II (+ photo) (1966-1998)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1973, 1976, 1984
~ see also Associations: International Colloquium: The Pynx . . .

Folder 4: Camp, Margot (1969-1986)
Campbell, A. C. (1957-1958)
Campbell, Mary deBrisay (1987-1998)
Campbell, Sheila D. (1981-1992)
~ see also Edward Hector Williams
Canaday, Frank H. (1947-1976)
Canaday, John (1973)

Folder 5: Canaday, Ward M. (1954-1976)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1947, 1950-1968, 1974; Publications 1958
~ see also Associations: Ford Foundation
Cappadocia, E. (1972)
Capps, Edward
~ see William Calder, Glanville Downey
~ see ASCSA: Management 1942, 1945
Caratzas, Aristide
~ see Publishers: Caratzas Brothers, Publishing
Cardon, Carol Moon (1977-1979)
Carducci, Carlo (1952)
Carlson, John B. (1983)
Carpenter, James R. (1971)
~ see also AIA: Local Society - Lancaster
Carpenter, Rhys (1929-1980) - Note: new letters were added in 2023 (Acc # 2023-12)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1947
Carr, Mary Ellen (1973)
Carroll, Harry J., Jr. (1962)
Carroll, Kevin K. (1976-1986)
Carswell, John (1955)

Folder 6: Carter, Jane (1993)
Carter, Joseph C. (1974-1998)
Carter, Robert S. (1979-1980)


Folder 1: Case, Clifford P. (1970)
Caskey, Elizabeth (Betty) G. (1958-1991)
~ see also John Caskey, Hetty Goldman, Mathew & Martha Wiencke
Caskey, John (Jack) L. (+ photo) (1952-1981)
~ see also Elizabeth G. Caskey, Miriam E. Caskey
~ see also AIA: Committee on Conservation and Preservation of Ancient Sites
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1949-1959, 1966, 1969-1972; Publications 1955
~ see also Associations: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Caskey, Miriam E. (1969-1984)
~ see also John Caskey
Cassens, Amy Louise (1991-1992)
Casson, Lionel (1969)
~ see also Associations: New York University – Ancient Civilization Group
Castell, George, Mrs.
~ see Marian M. Castell
Castell, Marian M. (1978)
Castren, Paavo
~ see Alison Frantz
~ see Associations: Finnish Institute
Catling, Hector W. (1959-1981)

Folder 2: Cattley, Robert E. D.
~ see Douglas Feaver
Cavaglieri, Giorgio (1950)
Cerdà, Damià (1970)
Chadwick, John (1998)
Chamoux, François (1979-1980)
Chang, Edmund (1991)
Chapouthier, Fernand (nd)
Charalambides, Kyriakos (1977)
Charanis, Peter (1970)
Charbonneaux, Jean (1951)
Charitonidi, Angeliki S. (1968-1977)
Charitonidis, S. (1957)
Charlton, Cynthia Otis
~ see AIA: Local Society - Iowa
Charlton, Maurice H. (1970-1971)
Chatzidakis, Manolis (1972)
Chepulis, John B. (1990)
Cherniss, Harold & Ruth (1954-1996)
~ see also Geoffrey Woodhead

Folder 3: Childs, William A. P. (1974-1995)
~ see also Alexander McKay
~ see also Associations: Princeton University – Department of Art & Archaeology
Chipperfield, D. C. (1960)
Christian, George Chase, Mrs.
~ see Margaret Crosby
~ see ASCSA: Management 1948
Christides, Olga (nd)
Christides, V. (1997)
Christopherson, A. J. (1975)
Churchill, Rose
~ see ASCSA: Management 1957
Cicikova, Maria (1987)
Clagett, Marshall (1977-1978)

Folder 4: Clairmont, Christoph W. & Victorine (1950-1997)
~ see also Alfred Bellinger, Anna Benjamin
~ see also Associations: Rutgers University
~ see also Professional Publications: LIMC
Clark, Raymond J. (1977)
Clarke, Graeme W. (1979-1989)
~ see also Associatons: Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens
Clarke, W.H. & Irene (1954-1972)
~ see also Publishers: Clarke, Irwin and Co., Ltd.

Folder 5: Clay, Diskin (1979-1983)
~ see also Professional Publications: LIMC
Clemen, Rudolf A. (1960)
Clement, Paul A. (1947-1986)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1945
~ see also IAS: 1954
Clinkenbeard, Barbara (1976-1981)

Folder 6: Clinton, Jacquelyn Collins (1988-1995)
Clinton, Kevin (1979-1993)
Clover, Frank M. (1976-1980)
Coarelli, Filippo (1988)

BOX 10

Folder 1: Coates, Leonard (1996)
Cohen, Beth (1984-1992)
~ see also Associations: College Art Association
Cohen, Edward E. (1990-1991)
Cohen, Getzel (1969-1995)
~ see also Associations: University of Cincinnati
Cohen, Shaye J. D. (1972)
Cohn, Edwin J. (1953)
Colburn, Oliver C. (1979)
Coldstream, John Nicolas (1969-1970)
Coleman, John E. (1991-1993)
~ see also ASCSA: Excavations
~ see also AIA: Local Societies – Finger Lakes

Folder 2: Collart, Paul (1971)
Colledge, Malcolm A. R.
~ see AIA: Lecture Program – Kress Lecturer
Collins, Francis W. (1952-1954)
Collon, Dominique (1968-1969)
Colt, Harris Duscombe, Jr. (1951-1962)
Comfort, Howard (1960-1977)
Conant, James B. (1956-1957)
Conant, Joseph M. (1972-1977)
Condoleon, Eurydice (1976)
Connell, Jo Ann (1978)

Folder 3: Connelly, Joan Breton (1978-1992)

Folder 4: Connelly, Joan Breton (1993-1995)

Folder 5: Connelly, Joan Breton (1996-1998)

BOX 11

Folder 1: Connor, Callie (1983)
Connor, W. Robert (1960-1992)
~ see also Associations: National Humanities Center, Princeton University – Department of
Classics, Princeton University – Program in Hellenic Studies
Constable, Giles (nd)
Cook, Brian F. (1977-1991)
~ see also Associations: British Museum
Cook, John M. (1952-1990)
~ see also Manuscripts: Rev. of J. M. Cook … (1967)
Cook, Robert M. (1961-1990)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1963
Cook, Thomas G., Mrs. (1969)
Cooper, Alison Burford
~ see Alison Burford
Cooper, Frederick A. (1968-1997)
~ see also Associations: College Art Association
Cooper, Gare (1949)
Coote, H. M. (1978)

Folder 2: Corbett, Peter A. (1951-1993)
~ see also John Caskey, G. H. Edgell, Martin Robertson

Folder 3: Corner, George W. (1981)
~ see also Associations: American Numismatic Society, American Philosophical Society
Cotsen, Lloyd (1979)
Coukidis, Constantin (1955)
Coukos, C. J. (1966-1967)
Coulson, William D. G. & Mary Lee (1972-1995)
~ see also ASCSA: Excavation Permits; Management 1987-1993, 1995
Coulter, M. (1973)
Coulton, James J. (1968-1985)
Courbin, P. (1954-1957)
Cox, Dorothy (1988-1992)
Coyle, Dan D. (1952)

BOX 12

Folder 1: Craft, John Richard (1948)
Craig, Harmon & Valerie (1972-1979)
Craig, James Hannington, Rev. (1985-1997)
Cranmer, George Ernst (1948-1975)
~ see also W. Robert Connor
Crawford, Frederick C. (1957-1995)
~ see also ASCSA: Gennadius Library; Management 1957, 1964-1972, 1977, 1980
Crawford, O. G. S. (1954)
Creaghan, John S.
~ see Associations: Loyola Seminary
Crean, J. G. (1968)
Creel, Dana S. (1961)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1950-1953, 1956
Crecca, Ellen B. (1960)
Creese, Margaret (1993)
Cromey, Robert D. (1975-1989)
Crosby, H. Lamar, Jr. (1959)

Folder 2: Crosby, John (1948-1959)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1949-1959

Crosby, Margaret (Missy) (+ photo) (1947-1971)
~ see also John Crosby
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1949, 1956, 1966-1968, 1971

Folder 3: Crosby, Margaret (Missy) (1964-1996)
Crosby, Oliver (1950)
Cross, Frank Moore
~ see Associations: American Schools of Oriental Research
Cross, R. J., Mrs. (1978)

Folder 4: Crouch, Dora P. (1970-1993)
~ see also Associations: National Gallery of Art

Folder 5: Crowell, Robert L. (1966-1972)
Crowfoot, Grace M. (1936-1951)
Crowley, Helen C. & Raoul (1989)
Crowley, Janice & Jeff (1972-1996)
Cullen, William & Elaine (1982)
Culley, Gerald P. (1978)
Cummer, W. Willson (1972-1985)
~ see also Associations: Center for Field Research

Folder 6: Cumming, Robert (1960)
Cunningham, John (1972)
Ćurčić, Slobodan (1986-1994)
Currelly, C. T.
~ see Northrop Frye, Roger McCleary
Currie, Hector (1990)
Curtis, Robert I.
~ see Wilhelmina Jashemski
Curtiss, Arthur N. (1990’s)
Cussler, Edward (1982)
Cutler, Winnifred B. (1988)
Czarnowski, Thomas (1964-1966)

BOX 13

Folder 1: Dakaris, Sotiri
~ see Nicholas G. L. Hammond, Henry Robinson
Dale, Godfrey M. C. (1962)
Dale, William S. A. (1991)
Daltrop, Georg (1957-1983)
~ see also Edward W. Bodnar
d’Alverny, Marie Therese (1974)
Daly, Ethel
~ see ASCSA: Management 1950-1953
Daly, Lloyd W. (1966-1983)
~ see also ASCSA: Committee on Personnel, Management 1969-1971, Publications 1971
Dane, John & Grace (1969)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1975-1976
Daniel, Glyn (1968)
Daniel, John Franklin (1948)
D’Arms, Edward and John (1991)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1954
~ see also Associations: University of Michigan
Darrow, Karl K. (1965)
Dart, Justin
~ see ASCSA: Gennadius Library
Daszewski, Wiktor Andrzej
~ see AIA: Lecture Program – Norton Lecture
Dauncey, Dorothy (1984)
Daux, Georges (1952-1975)
~ see also Michael Jameson, Geoffrey Woodhead
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1963

Folder 2: Davies, Mark I. (1973-1981)
~ see also Professional Publications: LIMC
Davis, Arthur Vining (1962)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1953-1954, 1959
Davis, Hester (1974)
Davis, Mary M.
~ see Samuel H. Kress Foundation
Davis, Norman (1964)
Davis, Whitney Matthew (1992)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Special Lectures and Honorary Members
Davison, Jean M. (1953-1991)
Davison, Louise
~ see AIA: Local Society – Washington, D.C.

Folder 3: Deakin, F. W. (1972)
De Bellefonds, Pascale Linant (1986-1987)
~ see also Professional Publications: LIMC
de Grummond, Nancy Thomson (1996)
~ see also AIA: Local Society - Tallahassee
Deighton, Lee C. (1969-1970)
Deitz, Morton (1980)
de Jong, Piet (1951-1960)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1950-1951
de Laguna, Frederica
~ see ASCSA: Management 1952
Del Chiaro, Mario A. (1956-1970)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Nominations
Delipetros, Nikos (1954)
Delivorrias, Angelos (1971-1993)
~ see also Associations: Benaki Museum

Folder 4: Delmousou, Constantina Peppas (1982-1991)
Delougaz, P. (1966-1969)
Delvenakiotes, B. T. (1970-1971)
Delvoye, Charles (1957-1958)
Demarest, Peter & Hilary & William (+ photo) (1965-1986)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1963-1968, 1971-1975
Demargne, Pierre (1967-1989)
Demos, Jean McMorran (1996)

Folder 5: Demoulini, Poly Pamel & Andreas (1958-1965)
~ see also Charles Booth, Virginia Grace, Lucy Talcott

Folder 6: Demoulini, Poly Pamel & Andreas (1966-1998)
Dempsey, Charles (1989)
Dempster, Elizabeth (1957)
Den Adel, Raymond L.
~ see AIA: Lecture Program – Norton Lecturer, Local Society – Rockford, Illinois
Dengate, James A. (1980)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Nominations
Dengler, Robert (1953)
Dentzer, Jean-Marie (1969-1982)

BOX 14

Folder 1: DePuma, Richard D. (1979)
Déroche, Vincent (1986-1987)
Derow, Peter S. (1977)
Desborough, Vincent R. (1955-1968)
Descoeudres, Jean-Paul (1988-1991)
des Gagniers, Jean (1968-1976)
~ see also Associations: Canada Council
Despinis, George (1971)
De Stein, Nydia P.
~ see AIA: Local Society - Albany
Detweiler, Henry & Catherine (1970)
~ see also Associations: Cornell University
Deubner, Otfried & Hildegard (1948-1997)

Folder 2: Devambez, Pierre (1971-1979)
Develin, Robert (1979)
Devereux, Alvin (1957-1959)
DeVinney, Timothy (1982)
DeVries, Keith (1969-1987)
~ see also Peter Corbett
~ see also Associations: University of Pennsylvania – University Museum, Symposium
~ AIA: Local Society - Philadelphia
deWaele, Jozef, Sr. & Joseph (1972-1992)
Diamant, Jan
~ see Jan Diamant Jordan
Diamant, Steven (1982)
~ see also ASCSA: Publications 1987
Dickey, Alison Adams (+ photo) (1983-1991)
Dickey, John M. (1964)
Dickey, John Sloan (1977-1991)
~ see also Associations: Dartmouth College
Dickinson, J. O., Jr. (1978)
Dickson, Harold E. (1952-1953)
Dickson, Lovat (1986)
Diefendorf, Monroe M. (1969)

Folder 3: Diehl, Erika
~ see Erika Zwierlein-Diehl
Dikaios, Porphyrios (1952-1965)
Dillon, Douglas
~ see Associations: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dillon, John (1988-1993)
Dilworth, J. Richardson (1974-1986)
Dimitrov, Kamen (1987)
Dinsmoor, Anastasia (Tessa) (1989-1990)
~ see also ASCSA: Publications 1989, 1996-1998
Dinsmoor, William Bell, Sr. & Nota (1938-1975)

Folder 4: Dinsmoor, William Bell, Jr. (+ photo) (1961-1973)
~ see also Themistocle Philadelpheus
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1965
~ see also Associations: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

Folder 5: Dinsmoor, William Bell, Jr. (1974-1989)

Folder 6: Dobbins, John J. (1981-1985)
Dobell, P. C. (1963)
Dobrovic, Nickola (1944)
Dobson, B. (ca. 1980)
Dodds, E. R. (1972)
Dodds, Harcourt A. (1957)
Dodds, Margaret M. (1990)
Dodge, Bayard (1957)

BOX 15

Folder 1: Dodson, Oscar H. (1956-1988)
Dodwell, C. R. (1966-1967)
Dörig, José (1968-1987)
Doeringer, Suzannah
~ see AIA: Local Soceity - Boston
Donaldson, Mary Katherine (1982-1997)
Donohue, Alice (1993-1996)
~ see also ASCSA: Publications 1990
Donohue, Edward K. (1956)
Dontas, George S. (1968-1991)
Dothan, Moshe & Trude (1964-1980)
Doruk, Seyhan (1977)
Doumas, Christos (1989-1990)
Dover, Catherine (1987)
Dover, Kenneth James (1973-1982)
~ see also Associations: Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies

Folder 2: Dow, Sterling (1934-1995)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1963

Folder 3: Downey, Glanville (1966-1985)
Downey, Susan B. (1964-1996)
Doxiadis, Constantine A. (1963-1973)
~ see also Malcolm F. McGregor
Doyle, Edwin J. (1954)
Drake, Harold A. (1977)
Dubrovsky, Gertrude (1997)
Ducrey, Pierre (1969-1989)

Folder 4: Dukas, Helen (1982)
Dunbabin, Katherine (1973-1974)
Dunn, Arthur D. (1989-1991)
du Pont, Gertrude (1968-1972)
Dusenbery, Elsbeth (1964)
Dusenbery, John, Mrs.
~ see Elsbeth Dusenbery
Duval, Noël (1974-1979)
Dye, Ira (1988)
Dyggve, Ejnar (1948-1960)
Dyson, Freeman J. (1993-1995)
Dyson, Robert H., Jr. (1967-1988)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Nominations
~ see also Associations: University of Pennsylvania – University Museum
Dyson, Stephen L. (1978-1988)
~ see also Professional Publications: American Journal of Archaeology

BOX 16

Folder 1: Easson, Alison (1993)
~ see also Associations: Royal Ontario Museum
Ebersole, John C.
~ see AIA: Local Society - Milwaukee
Eckstein, Felix (1966-1986)
~ see also Fred Kleiner
Economakis, Richard M.
~ see Associations: Committee for the Preservation of the Acropolis Monuments
Eder, Walter (1988-1989)
Edgell, G. H. (1945-1952)
Edlund-Berry, Ingrid E. M. (1982-1988)
~ see also Lucy Shoe Meritt
Edmonson, Colin N. (1957-1990)
~ see also Associations: University of Washington
Edson, Charles (1968-1974)
~ see also IAS: 1971, 1972
Edwards, Charles M. (1982-1992)

Folder 2: Edwards, G. Roger (1949-1996)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1961

Folder 3: Edwards, Patrick & Ruth (1969-1983)
Egilsrud, Johan S. (1966)
Ehrenberg, Victor (+ photo) (1962-1968)
Ehrich, Robert W. (1966)
~ see also Associations: Smithsonian Institution – Sponsored Excavations at Yugoslavian Sites
Eisenberg, Jerome M. (1993-1996)
Eisman, Michael M. (1974-1976)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Special Lectures and Honorary Members
Eiteljorg, Harrison, II (1975-1988)
~ see also Associations: Center for the Study of Architecture
Elahi, Ostad (1995)
Elam, Leslie A.
~ see Associations: American Numismatic Society
Elford, Alva D. (1945-1974)
Eliasco, Aspasie (1954-1964)
Eliot, C. W. J. (1954-1996)
Eliot, Jane (1962?)

Folder 4: Elkinton, J. Russell (1953)
El-Konaissi, Ali
~ see Hector Catling
Ellingson, John D. (1979)
Elliot, William & Mary (nd)
Elliott, John H. & Oonah (1980-1988)
~ see also IAS: 1972, 1975
Elliott, Sloane
~ see Popular Press: The Athenian
Ellis, Francis V. (1980)
Ellis, Richard (1986)
Ellis, Sharon (1966)
el Mallakh, Ragaei and Kamal (1954)
Else, Gerald F. (1951)
~ see also Associations: University of Michigan
Elvey, Clacey/Charles (1972-1974)
Engberg, C. Evan (1975)
English, B. R., Mrs.
~ see Kay English
English, Kay (1961)
Eppstein, Victor (1969)
Erdberg, Joan von (1976)
Erder, Cevat & Leila (1967-1985)
~ see also Glen Bowersock

Folder 5: Erffa, Helmut von (1956)
Erim, Kenan T. (1960-1993)
~ see also AIA: Lecture Program – Norton Lecturer
~ see also Associations: New York University – Aphrodisias, New York University – Friends of
Errington, R. Malcolm (1977-1985)
Ervin, Miriam (1966)
Ettinghausen, Richard & Elizabeth (1966-1985)
~ see also AIA: Local Society – Princeton
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society
Evans, Allan (1979-1995)
~ see also William Childs, C. W. J. Eliot
~ see also Associations: University of British Columbia
Evans, Frank E. (1956)
Evans, Robert K. (1979)
Evrard-Garbe, Georges (1962-1969)


BOX 17

Folder 1: Fagles, Robert (1961-1994)
Fales, De Courcey, Jr. (1973)
Farber, Joseph C. (1966-1975)
Farkas, Ann E. (1979-1983)
Farnsworth, Marie (1950-1986)
Farquhar, Francis & Marjory (1952)
Faucett, Lawrence (1957)
Faulkner, Marianne Gaillard
~ see ASCSA: Management 1953, 1983
Favoris, A. I. (1980)
Feaver, Douglas D. (1951-1956)
~ see also Associations: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

Folder 2: Fedak, Janos (1985-1997)
~ see also Publishers: Princeton University Press

Folder 3: Feldman, Burton (1979)
Feldman, Thalia (1966)
Felio, Earl N. (1963-1964)
Fellmann, Rudolf & Martha (1973-1980)
~ see also Paul Collart
Felsch, Rainer C. S. (1981-1990)
Fennel, Robert (1954)
Ferguson,  Blair (1933-1934)
Ferguson, Hugh C. S. (1966-1996)
Ferguson, William Scott (1937)
Fernald, Helen Nichol (1980)
Ferrabino, Aldo (1956)
Field, Albert (1975-1976)
Field, Donald (1980)
Fiema, Zbigniew T. (1986)
Filman, Margaret (1970)
Fineberg, Stephen (1975-1977)

Folder 4: Finley, Moses (1986)
Finney, Paul Corby (1981-1987)
Fischer, John E. (1995)
~ see also Associations: Wabash College
Fischer, Moshe (1996)
Fischer-Bossert, Wolfgang R. (1990)
~ see also Evelyn Harrison
Fisher, Elizabeth A.
~ see AIA: Local Society – Washington, D.C.
Fittschen, Klaus (1974)
Fitzgerald, Robert (1961)
Fleischman, Charles (1985)
~ see also Leslie Shear, Jr.
~ see also AIA: Committee on Nominations
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1980
Fleischman, John (1992-1994)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1993

BOX 18

Folder 1: Fleming, William (1966)
Fletcher, William G. & Jean (1978)
~ see also Associations: Classical Association of Canada – H.A.T. Lecture Tour . . .
~ see also Professional Publications: LIMC
Flexner, Abraham (1956-1992)
Follmann, Anna-Barbara (1968)
Folsom, Lindsey (1972)
Folsom, Robert S. (1968)
Foltiny, Stephen (1960-1969)
~ see also Robert Ehrich
~ see also ASCSA: Publications 1960
~ see also IAS: 1969
Fong, Wen C. (1968)
~ see also AIA: Scholarly Exchange with the Peoples Republic of China
~ see also Associations: Princeton University – Department of Art & Arch. Advisory Council
Fontenrose, Joseph (1968)
Ford, James (1986)
Forderer, Manfred (1968)
Forehand, Walter E. (1972)
Forni, Giovanni (1980)
~ see also Professional Publications: Fasti Archaeologei
Forsén, Björn (1993)
~ see also Associations: International Colloquium – The Pynx
Forster, Fred G. (1974)
Fosdick, Emma
~ see AIA: Local Society – Niagara Penninsula
Fosdick, Raymond B. & Elizabeth (1963-1980)

Folder 2: Fossey, John M. (1979-1982)
~ see also Associations: Canada Council, Canadian Archaeological Institute of Athens
Foust, Doreen L. (1965)
Foust, George C., Mrs.
~ see Doreen L. Foust
Fowden, Garth L. (1990)
Foxhall, Lin (1995)
France, Jean R. (1949-1984)
~ see also Lucy Talcott, Dorothy Burr Thompson
~ see also AIA: Local Society – Rochester
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1949, 1950
France, Robert, Mrs.
~ see Jean France
Francis, David (1973)
Franke, Peter R. (1983-1994)
Frankel, Rafael (1979)

Folder 3: Frantz, M. Alison (+ photo) (1939-1966)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1954, 1983; Publications 1990
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society, Finnish Institute, Smith College
~ see also IAS: 1975

Folder 4: Frantz, M. Alison (1967-1987)

Folder 5: Frantz, M. Alison (1988-1998)

BOX 19

Folder 1: Fraser, Hugh R. (1966)
Fraser, Peter M. (1960-1985)
~ see also Colin Roberts
Fraser, Una E. (1954)
Frazer, Alfred (1970-1994)
Fredricksmeyer, Ernst A. (1981)
Freeman, John (nd)
Freeth, Evelyn (1957)
Freiling, Loretta
~ see AIA: Local Society – Madison, Wisconsin
Frel, Jiři (1968-1995)
French, David (1961)
Freyer, Brigitte (1961)

Folder 2: Frick, William M. (1968-1993)
~ see also Associations: Brunswick School

Folder 3: Friedrichs, Christopher R. (1986-1987)
Frischer, Bernard D. (1977)
Fritsch, Charles T. (1964-1971)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1954
Fritz, Johann Michael (1975-1976)
Fritz, Paul (1974)
Froelich, William G. (1958)
Frost, Robert (1961)
Frost, Wallace (1958-1959)
Fry, Edward F. (1978)
Frye, Northrop (1956)
Frye, Richard N. (1974-1975)
~ see also Shapur Shahbazi
Frye, Roland M. (1974-1980)
~ see also Associations: Century Club
~ see also IAS: 1976
Fuchs, Werner (1966-1984)
~ see also Walter-Herwig Schuchhardt
Fulbright, William J. (nd)
Fuller, R. Buckminster (1953-1966)
Funderburk, R. S. (1961)
Furley, David J. & Phyllis (1972-1997)
Furth, Victor (nd)
~ see also Sherley Morgan, W. Stuart Thompson
Furtwängler, Andreas E. (1978)

BOX 20

Folder 1: Gabba, E. G. (1973)
Gabelmann, Hanns & Katerina (1984-1991)
Gadbery, Laura M. (1986-1987)
Gale, Noel H. (1985)
Galinsky, Karl G. (1971)
~ see also Joseph Carter
Galsterer, Hartmut (1983)
Galt, Carl-Erik & Birthe (1962-1975)
Gans, Edward (1960)
Gantz, Timothy (1971)
Gardiner, Henry (1996-1998)
Garlan, Yvon (1974-1979)

Folder 2: Garland, Robert (1990-1997)
Garrelts, George & Louise (1974)
Garrison, Lloyd (1953)
Gauer, Werner (1982-1985)
Gauthier, Marie-Madeleine (1967-1980)

Folder 3: Gavrilov, Alexander K. (1991-1993)
Gawlikowski, Michal (1995-1997)
~ see also Evelyn Harrison
Geagan, Daniel J. & Helen (1971-1998)
~ see also E. Cappadocia
~ see also Associations: McMaster University

Folder 4: Gebhard, Elizabeth R. (1979-1989)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Nominations
~ see also ASCSA: Excavation Permits
Geerlings, Jacob (1954-1972)
Gelzer, Thomas (1980)
Georgakis, Ioannis
~ see Associations: Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation
George, James (1965-1977)
~ see also W. S. Wallace
Gergel, Richard A.
~ see Helen Townsend
Geroulanos, John (1974)
Ghiron, Paulette Bistagne (1967-1968)
Ghirshman, R. (1971-1972)

BOX 21

Folder 1: Giard, Jean-Baptiste (1984-1985)
Gibbs, Sharon L. (1975-1977)
~ see also Anna Benjamin
Gibson, Elsa (1977-1985)
Gichon, Mordechai (1981)
Giesey, Ralph E. (1985)
~ see also AIA: Local Society - Iowa
Gilbert, Felix (1972-1992)
~ see also T. Julian Brown
Gilbey, John H. (1945-1947)
Gilliam, Elizabeth & James Frank (1970-1990)
Gillis, Daniel (1969)
Ginouvès, René (1963-1994)
~ see also Lily Kahil
Giovannini, Adalberto (1975-1979)
Gisler, Jean-Robert (+ photo) (1983-1987)
Gjerstad, Einar (1965-1985)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Special Lectures and Honorary Members

Folder 2: Gjoedesen, Mogens (1974)
Glen, Alexander (1990)
Glueck, Nelson & Helen I. (1971-1972)
Glyptis, G. Z. (nd)
Gneisz, Doris (1984-1985)
Godfrey, C. M. (1962)
Gödel, Kurt (1978)
Goell, Theresa M. (1966-1985)
Görler, Doedema & Evelyn (1980)
Goertzen, Kathryn (1979)
Götze, Heinz (1951-1952)
Goggin, Mary G. (1955-1971)
Goheen, Robert F. (1996)
Goist, David
~ see Sheldon Keck
Goitein, Shelomo Dov (1973-1985)
Goldberg, Marilyn Y. (1982-1987)
~ see also Associations: University of Maryland
Goldberg, Marny (nd)
Goldberg, Sander M. (1991)
Goldberger, Marvin L. (1991)
Golden, Leon (1972)

Folder 3: Goldman, Hetty & Saul (+ photo) (1936-1985)
~ see also Kurt Bittle, Virginia Grace, Mortimer Graves, Saul Weinberg
~ see also ASCSA: Publications 1968
~ see also IAS: 1972, 1973
Goldstein, Michael
~ see Publishers: University of California Press
Goldstine, Herman H. (1978)
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society
Gollner, Cathy (1971)
Gomes, A. (1953)
Gomme, Arnold W. (1954-1957)
Gondicas, Demetrios
~ see Associations: Princeton University – Program in Hellenic Studies
Goodman, Judith (1956)
Gorbounova, Xénia S. (1976-1978)
~ see also IAS: 1978
Gordon, Cyrus H. (1962)
~ see also Hetty Goldman
Gorgoglou, D. H. (1956)

Folder 4: Goth, Trudy (1952-1955)
Gottlieb, Carla (1950-1956)
~ see also Evelyn Harrison
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1952
~ see also Associations: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Gottmann, Jean (1960-1995)
Gottschalk, Hans B. (1974)
Gough, Michael & Mary (1963-1976)
Gould, Sybil (1972)
Gowans, Alan (1951-1977)
Grace, Frederick R.
~ see ASCSA: Management 1965, 1967

BOX 22

Folder 1: Grace, Virginia R. (1931-1950)
~ see also Ross Holloway, Lionel Stevenson
~ see also ASCSA: Amphora Project, Management 1956
~ see also Associations: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
~ see also IAS: 1948, 1949

Folder 2: Grace, Virginia R. (1951-1961)

Folder 3: Grace, Virginia R. (1962-1970)

Folder 4: Grace, Virginia R. (1971-1978)

Folder 5: Grace, Virginia R. (1979-1994)

BOX 23

Folder 1: Grafton, A. T. (1989)
Graham, A. John (1976-1995)
Graham, Helen I. (1956)
Graham, J. Walter (1952-1992)
~ see also Shirley Hutcheson, W. S. Wallace
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1965

Folder 2: Grandjouan, Clairève (1953-1997)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Nominations
~ see also Associations: Hunter College, Society of Architectural Historians
Grant, Leonard (1954)
Graves, Mortimer (1975)
Gray, Rachel D. (+ photo) (1993-1997)
Green, J. Richard (1963-1989)
~ see also Associations: Australian-American Educational Foundation
Green, Lewis C.
~ see Dorothy Cox
Greenbaum, Louis
~ see AIA: Local Society – Western Massachusetts
Greenewalt, Crawford H. (Greenie), Jr. (1954-1997)
~ see also AIA: Committee on Special Lectures and Honorary Members, Lecture Program -
Norton Lecturer
~ see also Associations: University of Santa Clara

Folder 3: Greenwalt, William S. (1979)
~ see also Associations: University of Santa Clara
Gregg, Judd (1971)
Gregorian, Vartan
~ see Associations: University of Pennsylvania
Gregory, Timothy E. (1976)
Greifenhagen, Adolph (1960-1982)
Grey, Guinevere Earle (1963-1964)
Grierson, Philip (1968)
Griffin, Gillet G. (1985)
Griffin, Jasper & Miriam (+ photo) (1989-1991)
Griffith, Ed (1956)
Grimaldi, William M. A. (1952)
Griswold, A. Whitney, Mrs.
~ see Mary B. Griswold
Griswold, Mary B. (1968)

Folder 4: Griswold, Ralph E. (+ photo) (1957-1981)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1950, 1953-1958, 1965-1967
Grobel, Stella
~ see Stella Grobel Miller

Folder 5: Gropengiesser, Hildegund (1971-1996)
Grose, D.
~ see AIA: Local Society – Western Massachusetts
Grossman, Betty (1953-1989)
Gruben, Gottfried (1963-1978)
Guarducci, Margherita (1960-1981)
Guarino, Michael S. (1979-1983)
Günsenin, Nergis (1987-1989)
~ see also Jean-Pierre Sodini
Gulaki, Alexandra (1980)
Gunnerson, Charles G. (1976-1978)
~ see also Associations: Association for Field Archaeology
~ see also Professional Publications: Journal of Field Archaeology

Folder 6: Guralnick, Eleanor (1974-1988)
Guthrie, W. Keith C. (1964)
Guy, Robert (1991-1992)
~ see also Associations: Princeton University – Art Musuem
Gwatkin, William E., Jr. (1956-1959)

BOX 24

Folder 1: Haas, Gerlinde (1980)
Habicht, Christian H. (1972-1996)
~ see also Peter Fraser
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society

Folder 2: Hackenbroch, Yvonne (+ photos) (1962-1998)

Folder 3: Hadidi, Adnan (1985-1986)
~ see also Associations: Symposium – Petra
Hadjilazaro, Danaë (1965-1966)
Hadjimichalis, Vanna (1953-1973)
Hägg, Robin (1979-1984)
Haessler, George (1978)
Haevernick, Thea Elizabeth (1971-1981)
~ see also Gladys Weinberg
Hafner, German (1961-1984)
Hagel, Dietmar K. (1985)
Hager, Helmut W. (1983)
~ see also Associations: Pennsylvania State University
Hahn, Sylvia (1962-1995)
Halfmann, Helmut (1989)

Folder 4: Hamilton, Richard (1980)
Hamlin, Chauncey J. (1947-1948)
Hammond, Nicholas G. L. (1951-1995)
~ see also Frank E. Adcock, Frank M. Clover, Chryseis Souli
~ see also IAS: 1951, 1952
Hammond, Norman (1978-1986)
~ see also Associations: Society of Antiquaries of London
Hammond, Philip C. (1985)

Folder 5: Hampe, Roland (1956-1982)
~ see also Associations: American Philosophical Society
Handley, Eric W. (1971-1995)
~ see also Associations: Joint Association of Classical Teachers
Hanfmann, George M. A. (1954-1989)
~ see also Herbert Bloch, Hetty Goldman
~ see also AIA: Committee on Nominations

Folder 6: Hansell, Nils (1973)
Hansen, Esther V. (1973)
Hansen, Hardy (1990)
Hansen, Mogens Herman (+ photo) (1975-1991)
Hanson, John Arthur (1968)
Harden, Donald B. (1977)
Hardy, W. George (1949-1956)
Harland, J. Penrose (1951-1952)
Harper, J. Russell (1956)
Harper, Prudence A.
~ see AIA: Local Soceity – New York
~ see Associations: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Harris, Cyril M. (1986-1987)
Harris, Diane (1986-1987)
Harris, Harold A. (1973)
Harris, Josephine M. (1948)

BOX 25

Folder 1: Harrison, A. Robin W. (1963-1966)
Harrison, Evelyn B. (1949-1961)
~ see also Hetty Goldman, Marian McAllister, Evi Touloupa
~ see also ASCSA: Committee on Personel, Management 1951, Publications 1980
~ see also Associations: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
~ see also IAS: 1950
~ see also Manuscripts: “ ‘The Hall of Votive Gifts’ …” (nd)

Folder 2: Harrison, Evelyn B. (1962-1978)

Folder 3: Harrison, Evelyn B. (1980-1997)

Folder 4: Harrison, Joseph, Mrs.
~ see Rita Harrison
Harrison, R. Martin (1961-1991)
~ see also Michael Vickers
Harrison, Rita (1982)
Harrison, Wallace K. (1973-1974)
Hart, J. Lea (+ photo) (1997)
Hart, Joan (1994)
Hart, William A. (1956)
Hartle, Robert W. (1978)

Folder 5: Hartswick, Kim J. (1989-1991)
Haselberger, Lothar (1994-1997)
Haskell, Halford & Pam (1981)
~ see also ASCSA: Centennial
Haspels, C. H. Emilie (1949-1973)
Hatzopoulos, Miltiades B. (1984-1996)

Folder 6: Hauck, Frederick A. (1992-1993)
Hausmann, Ulrich & Helga (1961-1996)
Havelock, Christine Mitchell (1964-1984)
~ see also Eric Havelock
~ see also ASCSA: Committee on Personel
Havelock, Eric A. (1948-1984)
~ see also Christine Mitchell Havelock

BOX 26

Folder 1: Hay, Joan (1948-1950)
Hayes, John W. (1965-1997)
~ see also Martin Biddle, Neda Leipen, Henry Robinson
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1965-1966

Folder 2: Haynes, Denys E. L. & Sybille (1962-1993)
Hays, C. R., Mrs.
~ see Frances Hays
Hays, Frances (1947-1967)
Hazelton, Ruth Cleaves (1956)
Hearn, M. F. (1976)
Heath, Robert M. (1988)
Heavey, Margaret (1950)
Heckscher, William S. & Mary (1948-1993)
Hedreen, Guy M. (1993)

Folder 3: Hedrick, Charles W. (1985-1988)
Heffner, Hubert C.
~ see Associations: Indiana University

BOX 27

Folder 1: Heichelheim, F. M. (1965)
Heidkamp, Michael R. (1982-1983)
Heinrich, T. A. (1957)
Heintze, Helga von (1966)
Heinz, A. Elgin (1965)
Hellström, Pontus (1982-1983)
Helms, Johann C. Freienmuth von (1965)
Henderson, Jerry (1996)
Henning, Julia (1955)
Henninger, W. F. (1948)
Henry, Alan S. (1975)
~ see also Associations: Australian-American Educational Foundation
Henry, Harold & Richard (1961)
Hensel, Witold (1989-1990)

Folder 2: Herbert, Sharon C. (1977-1989)

Folder 3: Herbstman, Leni Anne (1964)
Hereward, Daphne (1951)
Herman, Gabriel (1994-1997)
Herring, Elizabeth Boleman (1990)
Herrmann, Peter (1984)
Herter, Hans (1973-1984)

Folder 4: Herz, Norman (1949-1984)
~ see also ASCSA: Publications 1997

Folder 5: Herz, Norman (1986-1996)

Folder 6: Herzfeld, Cornelia Mayer
~ see Associations: College Year in Athens
Herzfeld, E. (1948)
Heyle, James M. (1965-1981)
Hibbard, Howard
~ see Vincent Scully
Hicks, James H. (1978)
Higbee, Harold J. (1966)
Highet, Gilbert (1958-1978)
Higgins, Reynold A. (1961-1993)
Hill,—- (1951)
Hill, Bert Hodge (1948)
~ see also John Caskey
Hill, Dorothy Kent (1954-1989)
~ see also Associations: Walters Art Gallery
Hill, Harry Albert & Priscilla Capps (1955-1985)
~ see also ASCSA: Management 1971
Hill, Ida Thallon (1949)
Hillman, William
~ see ASCSA: Management 1955

BOX 28

Folder 1: Himmelmann, Nikolaus (1957-1994)
Hiorns, Frederick R. (1953-1956)
Hitchcock, Joanna (1982-1998)
~ see also Publishers: Princeton University Press
Hitzanides, Elias
~ see ASCSA: Management 1964
Hochschild, Kathrin S. (1984)
Hodge, A. Trevor (1956-1966)
Hodgkinson, Harry (1945-1952)
Hölscher, Tonio (1967-1991)
Hoepfner, Wolfram (1982)

Hofer, Philip
~ see Francis Walton
Hoff, Joseph
~ see Rodney Young
Hoffmann, Herbert (1971)
Hofkes-Brukker, Charline (1967)
Holborn, Hajo
~ see IAS: 1950
Holland, Leicester Bodine
~ see Marian Holland McAllister
Holland, Louise Adams (1964-1990)
~ see also Helen Bacon
Holland, Marian R.
~ see Marian Holland McAllister
Holliday, Peter J. (nd)
Holliday, Susan M. (1970)
Hollingshead, Mary
~ see AIA: Local Society - Providence

Folder 2: Holloway, R. Ross (1958-1996)
~ see also AIA: Local Society - Providence
~ see also Associations: Brown University
Holmberg, Erik J. (1949-1996)

Folder 3: Holmes, Harriet (1964)
Holsten, Edward L., Mrs.
~ see Nancy Holsten
Holsten, Nancy (1952-1953)
Holton, Charles W., Mrs.
~ see ASCSA: Management 1958
Home, Ruth M. (1952)
Hondius, J. J. E. (1948)
Hood, Sinclair & Rachel (1954-1994)
~ see also IAS: 1970, 1971
Hooker, G. T. W. (1949-1964)
~ see also Professional Publications: Greece and Rome
Hoopes, Thomas T. (1953)
Hope-Simpson, Richard (nd)
Hopf, Maria
~ see Sara Immerwahr
Hopper, Robert J. (1962-1970)
Hornblower, Simon (1994-1995)
Hornsby, Robert A.
~ see AIA: Local Society - Iowa
Horwood, Beryl R. (1978)
Hoskins, Lucile M. H. (1943-1945)
~ see also AIA: Local Society - Toronto
Hoskins, Mary
~ see Mary Hoskins Walbank
Houser, Caroline (1974-1989)

Folder 4: Howard, Seymour (1982-1988)
Howe, Thalia Phillies (1961)
Howe, Thomas N. (1994-1997)
Howland, Richard H. (1946-1990)
~ see also ASCSA: Committee on Personel, Gennadius Library, Management 1950, 1955, 1957,
1963-1975, 1980, 1982, 1994; Publications 1955, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971
~ see also Associations: Smithsonian Institution, Society of Architectural Historians, Century Club
Hoyningen-Huene, G. (1950?)
Hubbard, Georgina (1979)
Hubler, W. G. (1956-1957)
Hübinger, Ulrich (1990)
Hughes, George H., Jr. (1970)
Hughes, Helen (1955-1992)

Folder 5: Hugill, W. M. (1949)
Hugo, Harold (1977-1985)
~ see also Publishers: Meriden Gravure Company
Hult, Jan (1973)
Humphrey, Hubert H., Senator (1957)
Humphrey, Mary Churchill
~ see ASCSA: Management 1955
Hunt, Kari (1961-1980?)
Hunt, Nelson B. & William H. (1990)
Hunter, Robert (1952)
Hutcheson, Shirley (1966-1967)
Huxley, George (1958-1993)
~ see also ASCSA: Gennadius Library