Themed Image Collections
Some themed collections of Agora imagery are available for free download and others are fee-based. Please consult our Rights and Permissions page for details.
- Objects from the Agora which characterize public life in Athens such as the furnishings of the law courts, official weights and measures and ostraka. Based on Agora Picture Book No. 4.
- A selection of pottery used in Athenian houses from the 6th to the 4th centuries BC: pitchers, drinking cups, water jars and many cooking pots. Based on Agora Picture Book No. 1.
- A selection of portrait heads, mostly of marble and mostly from the Roman period, found in the excavations of the Agora. Based on Agora Picture Book No. 5.
- Slides illustrating the worship of gods and heroes in the Agora as depicted on painted pottery, in terracotta figurines, and in marble statuary. Based on Agora Picture Book No. 19.
- Objects from the Bronze and Iron Age cemeteries found beneath the Classical Agora. Pottery, jewelry, and weapons from Mycenaean to Geometric times (1500-700 BC). Based on Agora Picture Book No. 13.
- Views of the models displayed in the upper colonnade of the Stoa of Attalos, including the new overall model of the ancient city, the archaic Acropolis, the Acropolis at the fullest development, the Agora, the Erechtheion, the temple of Athena Nike, the north end of the Stoa of Attalos and the 4th century city walls of Athens.
- A selection of Classical Sculpture from the Agora Excavations.
- Objects from the Agora which depict birds. Various species and dates are represented. Based on Agora Picture Book No.22
- Slides illustrating various aspects of Athenian life, mythological themes or animals.
- Slides illustrating various mythological themes with emphasis on the calyx-krater by Exexias.
- Slides illustrating mythological themes, daily life or animals.
- A selection of slides showing transport amphoras used for wine or oil. Included are amphoras of various periods, amphora stamps, and scenes of amphoras in use. Based on Agora Picture Book No 6.
- Selected examples of Latest Mycenaean, Protogeometric, and Geometric pottery from the Agora Excavations (ca. 1150-750 B.C.).
- Development of common shapes and decoration: Latest Mycenaean, Protogeometric, and Geometric pottery from the Agora Excavations (ca. 1150-750 B.C.)