
Volume 8, Issue 2 (1939)

The Sarcophagus of Sidamara (pp. 101-115)

by G. W. Elderkin

A Hoard of Greek Federal Silver (pp. 116-154)

by Margaret Thompson

Leagros (pp. 155-164)

by A. E. Raubitschek

Epigraphical Notes (pp. 170-176)

by Eugene Schweigert

Decree in Honor of Euthydemos of Eleusis (pp. 177-180)

by John C. Threpsiades

An Official Rescript from Corinth (pp. 181-190)

by Oscar Broneer

On the Date of the Temple of Apollo at Corinth (pp. 191-199)

by Saul S. Weinberg

A Note on the Thessalian Cult of Enodia (pp. 200)

by Paul A. Clement