
Gray Minyan in the Middle: Reconsidering Central Greek and Cycladic Middle Bronze Age Synchronisms

by Christopher Mark Hale

Hesperia, Volume 92, Issue 1
Page(s): 1-42
Stable URL:
Year: 2023


An emerging understanding of Middle Helladic Gray Minyan pottery development in central Greece allows a reconsideration of relative synchronisms between the region and the Cyclades. Updated comparisons indicate that Ayia Irini period IV on Kea was resettled no earlier than the middle of Middle Helladic II in central Greece, not the beginning as previously presented. In addition, comparisons with more distant Cycladic sites, such as Phylakopi, Akrotiri, and Paroikia, add evidence for central Greek and Cycladic interaction prior to the resettlement of Ayia Irini IV. These adjustments have important implications for our understanding of Kea and Ayia Irini, broader interregional interaction, and the overall Aegean Middle Bronze Age relative chronological framework.