
The South Stoa at Corinth and Its Wells

by Kathleen Warner Slane

Hesperia, Volume 91, Issue 3
Page(s): 385-483
Stable URL:
Year: 2022


This article is a reconsideration of the South Stoa at Corinth, and of the Hellenistic and Roman pottery from its wells in particular, in light of a recent proposal that the wells were filled with material that accumulated between 146 and 44 B.C. I examine the stratigraphy of the wells, adding unpublished lamps, amphoras, and Roman vessels to the pottery previously published, and argue that the stoa was destroyed and some of the wells filled by the troops of L. Mummius. Finds from the wells suggest a revised history of the South Stoa from ca. 300 B.C. to the 5th century A.D.