
Corinth, 2018: Northeast of the Theater

by Christopher A. Pfaff

Hesperia, Volume 89, Issue 1
Page(s): 125-190
Stable URL:
Year: 2020


The 2018 excavations at ancient Corinth opened up a new area of exploration northeast of the ancient theater. Part of a major east-west road dating from the 3rd to the 5th or 6th century A.D. was revealed. South of the road were remains of a substantial Roman building, the walls of which were extensively plundered in the 6th century or later, although portions of three rooms provide evidence of elaborate pavements that appear to be Early Roman. A few lower strata with predominantly Hellenistic pottery and mixed fills with redeposited Archaic and Classical sherds suggest that the area may provide an opportunity to explore undisturbed earlier contexts in the future.