
A Roman Road Southeast of the Forum at Corinth

by Jennifer Palinkas and James A. Herbst

Hesperia, Volume 80, Issue 2
Page(s): 287-336
Stable URL:
Year: 2011


A wide, unpaved, north-south Roman road was established in the Panayia Field at Ancient Corinth in the last years of the 1st century B.C. Over the next six centuries, numerous civic and private construction activities altered its spatial organization, function as a transportation artery, and use for water and waste management. Changes included the installation and maintenance of sidewalks, curbs, drains, terracotta pipelines, and porches at doorways. The terracotta pipelines are presented here typologically in chronological sequence. The road elucidates early-colony land division at Corinth, urbanization into the 4th century A.D., and subsequent deurbanization in the 6th century, when maintenance of the road ended.