Excavations in the Archaic Civic Buildings at Azoria in 2005-2006
by Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook, Rodney D. Fitzsimons, C. Margaret Scarry, Lynn M. Snyder, and William C. West, II
Hesperia, Volume 80, Issue 1
Page(s): 1-70
Stable URL:
Year: 2011
Continuing excavation on the South Acropolis at Azoria in northeastern Crete has exposed buildings of Archaic date (7th-early 5th century B.C.) that served communal or public functions. Work conducted in 2005 and 2006 completed the exploration of Late Archaic levels within the Communal Dining Building (putative andreion complex), the Monumental Civic Building, and the adjacent Service Building. These contexts and their assemblages, especially the animal and plant remains, permit the characterization of diverse dining practices and the interpretation of patterns of food production and consumption. Both the Communal Dining Building and the Monumental Civic Building show extensive evidence of communal feasting and the integration of cult.