The Temple of Apollo Patroos Dated by an Amphora Stamp
by Mark L. Lawall
Hesperia, Volume 78, Issue 3
Page(s): 387-403
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Year: 2009
The temple of Apollo Patroos in the Athenian Agora is often dated to ca. 330 B.C. A fragment of a Thasian amphora with a stamp bearing the eponym Ποῦλυς was found in a pit closed no later than the period of the temple's construction. This stamp dates to ca. 313 B.C. The temple must therefore have been constructed in the very late 4th or very early 3rd century. Review of the textual and other archaeological evidence related to the temple and its vicinity clarifies the physical development of this cult site from ca. 375 to ca. 300 B.C.