Excavations at Azoria, 2003-2004, Part I: The Archaic Civic Complex
by Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook, Rodney D. Fitzsimons, C. Margaret Scarry, and Lynn M. Synder, with appendixes by Manolis I. Stefanakis and William C. West III
Hesperia, Volume 76, Issue 2
Page(s): 243-321
Stable URL:
Year: 2007
This article constitutes the first of two reports on fieldwork conducted at Azoria in eastern Crete during the 2003 and 2004 excavation seasons. The focus of excavation was on the South Acropolis, where buildings of Archaic date (7th-early 5th century B.C.) suggesting public or civic functions have come to light. The complex includes a possible andreion on the west slope, a cult building on the terrace south of the peak, and storerooms and kitchens associated with a monumental public building on the southwest terrace. A 3rd-century B.C. dump on the southeast slope provides important information about the limited reoccupation of the site in the Hellenistic period.