The Corinth Oinochoe: One- and Two-Handled Jugs in Corinth
by Ian McPhee
Hesperia, Volume 74, Issue 1
Page(s): 41-94
Stable URL:
Year: 2005
One of the many characteristic shapes produced in Corinth during the Archaic and Classical periods was the round-mouthed jug with one or two handles, the so-called “Corinth oinochoe.” The present article examines the typological development of this shape, particularly the version with two handles, from its introduction in the late seventh century until 146 B.C. This development suggests changing customs in male dining at Corinth, particularly in the third quarter of the fifth century and at the end of the fourth. The function of the two-handled variety is briefly considered, as well as the evidence for ceramic connections between Corinth and Athens.