Profiles of Greek Mouldings

by Lucy T. Shoe

204 pp, with a portfolio of 85 pls
14" x 21"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-952-0
Publication Date: Nov 1936
Status: Out of Print

Profiles of over 1500 mouldings are presented, drawn from measurements using a mechanical template for accuracy. These are first studied by types and within the types are divided according to their use on various types of architectural members. The plates and tables for these mouldings are arranged chronologically. In the second part of the work, the various architectural members, geison crown, epistyle and frieze crowns, monument or altar bases etc. are taken up and the various types kinds of mouldings that may be associated with the different parts are listed. Most of the book is composed of tables containing in parallel columns, provenance, proportions, bibliography, and remarks pertinent to the individual examples. Most of the illustrations are composed of drawings, but 75 of the most interesting examples are also shown in photographs.