Swans and Amber: Some Early Greek Lyrics Freely Translated and Adapted

by Dorothy Burr Thompson
208 pp,
5" x 7.5"
Paper, ISBN: 978-0-87661-945-2
Publication Date: Nov 1988
Status: Active
Retail Price $8.50
"For what I say, my naughty way
All the boys must love me.
Every ditty is so witty
Nobody stands above me."
Anacreon of Teos, 563-478 B.C.
From papyrus rolls, copied and recycled through the centuries, hundreds of short extracts written by Greek poets in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C. survive. This lovely collection, translated into English by a leading classicist, presents a selection of ca. 100 poems by 17 authors with useful historical introductions.