A History of the Ï㽶ÊÓƵ: 1939-1980

by Lucy Shoe Meritt
411 pp, 16 pls
6" x 8.5"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-942-1
Publication Date: Nov 1984
Status: Active
Retail Price $15
A chronicle of the second 50 years in the life of the American School (originally founded in 1881). Conceived as a companion volume to Louis Lord's 1947 history of the first half century, the text outlines the activities of the School both in Greece and in the United States, beginning with an absorbing account of the affairs of the School during World War II and continuing through the Centennial in 1981, with chapters on the Summer Session, the School's excavations, its publications, and the Gennadeion. The extensive appendixes include lists of all the Trustees, Cooperating Institutions, members of the Managing Committee, staff, fellows, and members of the School since its inception in 1881, and add greatly to the usefulness of this volume. The author's first-hand knowledge of the people and events of the period discussed contributes materially to its depth and detail.