The Venetians in Athens, 1687-1688, from the Istoria of Cristoforo Ivanovich
edited by James Morton Paton
Gennadeion Monographs I
104 pp,
7" x 10"
Cloth, ISBN: 978-0-87661-401-3
Publication Date: Nov 1940
Status: Out of Print
In 1687 the Venetian commander Francesco Morosini seized Athens. In 1689 the Peace of Carlowitz assigned the city to the Turks. This book presents some original texts, presented only in the original Italian, and an (English) introduction to the short-lived occupation and the reasons for the Venetian withdrawal. Most of the book is devoted to presenting extracts from the Istoria della Lega Ortodossa contra il Turco by Cristoforo Ivanovich, Canon of San Marco. Ivanovich’s account is then checked against, and corrected by, other archival sources. The appendixes present a portrait of Louis, Prince of Turenne, an account of the siege of Mistra, a study of the withdrawal of the army from Athens, and a discussion of the opposition to Morosini.