Notice to Members
Welcome back to the American School. Special measures are now in place to protect your safety and that of our staff. Please abide by them.
At this time due to space restrictions, the Blegen Library is open only for Members who have registered in advance with Maria Tourna (mtourna.blegen@ascsa.edu.gr). Only one person at a time is allowed to use the Epigraphy Room and two are allowed in the Computer Lab. All other School facilities (Gennadeion, Archives, Agora, Corinth, Wiener Lab) are available by appointment only.
Members arriving from outside Greece are requested to self-quarantine for one week before coming to the School. We ask that Members show their dated passport stamp to the School guard and have their temperature taken before entering School buildings. When inside please use the hand sanitizers, and wear a face covering when meeting with staff.
Lunches are being served on the terrace in the Lower Garden, Monday to Friday in two shifts. Menus are posted on , as is the sign up form. Please sign up before 10.30 am and wear a face covering while being served outside the salonaki.
If members have any issues with these and any future directives which will be posted on the School’s website as conditions change, please address them to either the relevant department head, the Assistant Director, or the Director.
Watch for upcoming E-Events on the School’s website. If you have suggestions for future webinars, tea talks or other virtual activities please contact me or our Webmaster
Konstantinos Tzortzinis (ktzortzinis@ascsa.edu.gr).