Gennadius Library gradual reopening
In phase I, from June 3, 2020, the Library will be open to registered users from Monday to Friday 9:30 to 16:00; free access to the bookstacks will not be allowed. The number of readers will be limited to a maximum of 9, who will only be allowed to use the Main Reading Room. The use of a non-surgical mask is obligatory.
To set an appointment to use the Library send an e-mail to: . The email should indicate the preferred time and the list of books and periodicals you need to consult, which should have been already selected via the online catalog . The maximum number of books per day is 5.
Readers will be admitted only after receiving a confirmation e-mail from the Reading Room Attendant.
Upon arrival, the readers must give their name to the entrance guard on Souidias 54. After the name is matched with the list of visitors, their temperature will be taken. Upon entering the Library, it is mandatory to disinfect the hands with the antiseptic liquid located at the entrance of the Reading Room.
The Reading Room Attendant points the reader to the designated study table where the books requested by email will be delivered. Strict social distancing rules of at least 1.5 meters must be adhered to during the entire consultation with the Gennadius staff.
It is forbidden to change reading tables, to use the public terminals and scanners of the Library, the card catalog as well as to exchange books.
After completing his/her study, the reader leaves the books at the predetermined point. The books cannot be consulted again before 72 hours, when they will be reshelved by the staff.
The Gennadius Library will be closed August 14-21, 2020.