The great granddaughter of George and Lela Mylonas, Crystal Chambers, and her husband Robbie Spears visited the School today to see where her great grandfather started his illustrious career and to look for photographs and other information about him in the School's Archives, where his personal papers are kept.
Read MoreDr. Dylan Rogers, now in his fourth and final year as Assistant Director, participates in a Q&A on his new book Water Culture in Roman Society, the inaugural title in Brill Research Perspectives’s new Ancient History series.
Read MoreDominic (Nick) Popielski and Dawn Smith-Popielski are loyal members of the School community whose generosity of time, talent, and treasure is truly exemplary. Here, they share their excavation memories, insights about the discipline, and what drives their passion for the American School and its mission.
Read MoreFour former Agora volunteers — Ana Alvarez, Laura Gawlinski, Marcie Handler, Nick Popielski — discuss how digging at the Agora has influenced their lives.
Read MoreThe opening of the exhibition "HARRIS XENOS, Collage - Transubstantiation: A Dialogue with the Collection of Joannes Gennadius" took place on February 7 in the Gennadius Library Reading Room.
Read MoreThe Gennadius Library of the 㽶Ƶ and the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation present TravelTrails: Travels and Explorations in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1500-1830.
Read MoreTom Brogan, INSTAP East Crete Study Center
Read MoreΜεταπτυχιακοί φοιτητές από το Τμήμα Φιλολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών ξεναγήθηκαν μαζί με την καθηγήτρια τους κ. Χριστίνα Ντουνιά στις εγκαταστάσεις της Αμερικανικής Σχολής Κλασικών Σπουδών (ΑΣΚΣΑ) και ειδικότερα στα Αρχεία της Σχολής.
Read MoreTyler Jo Smith, University of Virginia
Read MoreFinal update on the Blegen library’s closure dates: The library will close on March 4, 2019 to allow for the completion of the reclassification project. It is scheduled to reopen in June 2019. We will provide more information on the library's reopening as soon as possible.
Read MoreMike Tremonte (ASCSA student 1989-1990) with his son Isaiah and friends stopped by the School this morning.
Read MoreMeet ASCSA Associate Member and Ph.D. candidate at University of Cincinnati, Sarah Beal.
Read MoreThe Trustees of the School have recently announced a $9.4 million capital campaign for the expansion and complete renovation of the student center comprising Loring Hall, West House, and the Annex. The renovated space will combine tradition with modern amenities and much needed upgrades.
Read MoreTwo new books stemming from archival research: David Gill's biography of Winifred Lamb, a pioneering archaeologist and excavator of Thermi on Lesvos and Kusura in Turkey; and Massimo Cultraro's narrative of Heinrich Schliemann's interest in Italy from his first journey in 1858, as a tourist, to his last and fatal one in 1890.
Read MoreIn light of new excavation finds and publications, NEH and ASCSA Fellow Jim Sickinger discusses his research related to the Athenian practice of ostracism.
Read MoreErika Weiberg, Florida State University
Read MoreBissera V. Pentcheva, Professor of Art History, Stanford University
Read MoreAt the meeting of the Athens Archaeological Research Libraries, the Gennadius Library shared recent programming and updates to the reclassification project.
Read MoreWhat sites did Members visit in east Crete on Trip IV? Watch this video to find out!
Read MoreThe Library Reclassification Project to integrate, customize, and modernize the classification systems of the Blegen and Gennadius Libraries will improve the experience of the thousands of international patrons who use them each year.
Read MoreΗ Αθήνα 2018 Παγκόσμια Πρωτεύουσα Βιβλίου σε συνεργασία με το Θέατρο Δωματίου, τη Γεννάδειο Βιβλιοθήκη και τις Εκδόσεις Ωκεανίδα, καλούν το κοινό σε μια ξεχωριστή εκδήλωση με αφορμή τη συμπλήρωση δέκα χρόνων από το θάνατο της συγγραφέως Μαργαρίτας Καραπάνου.
Read MoreTopics in this issue include a gold necklace from the grave of the Griffin Warrior at Pylos, a Protoattic votive deposit from the Athenian Agora, the pediments and akroteria of the Hephaisteion, and Sir John Beazley’s notebooks.
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