
"20 Years in Crete: The Impact of the INSTAP East Crete Study Center"

Tom Brogan, INSTAP East Crete Study Center

“Crete in the Ice Age. Clever Seadogs and Gullible Deerâ€

“Crete in the Ice Age. Clever Seadogs and Gullible Deerâ€

Thomas Strasser, Providence College

"Architecture of a Minoan Community: American and American-Greek Projects at Gournia, 1901-2016"

Prof. John C. McEnroe, 2017 Whitehead Professor, ASCSA

"Converting Risk into Knowledge:Religion & Economics of the Sea at the Bronze Age-Iron Age Transition"

Barbara Kowalzig, New York University

"Lord of the Gold Rings: The Grave of the Griffin Warrior of Pylos"

Sharon R. Stocker and Jack L. Davis, University of Cincinnati

“Samothrace and the NE Aegean in Prehistoryâ€

“Samothrace and the NE Aegean in Prehistoryâ€

Dimitris Matsas, Ephor, 19th Ephoreia

“How the Mycenae Lion Gate Relief Was Made: New Evidence and Implicationsâ€

“How the Mycenae Lion Gate Relief Was Made: New Evidence and Implicationsâ€

Nicholas Blackwell, Assistant Director, ASCSA

“The Emergence of a Warlike Elite at Mitrou, East Lokris, in the Prepalatial Bronze Ageâ€

“The Emergence of a Warlike Elite at Mitrou, East Lokris, in the Prepalatial Bronze Ageâ€

Aleydis Van de Moortel, NEH Fellow, ASCSA

"Vassilis Aravantinos, More Sphinxes and Puzzles from Mycenaean- Palatial Thebesâ€

Vassilis Aravantinos, Επίτιμος Έφορος Αρχαιοτήτων Βοιωτίας

"Recent Prehistoric Finds at the Costa Navarino Resort in Messenia"

Jörg Rambach (ΛΗ’ ΕΠΚΑ)

Mycenaean Wall-Paintings in Context New Discoveries and Old Finds Reconsidered

Mycenaean Wall-Paintings in Context New Discoveries and Old Finds Reconsidered


Telltale Depictions: A Contextual View of Mycenaean Wall-Paintings

Telltale Depictions: A Contextual View of Mycenaean Wall-Paintings

John Bennet, University of Sheffield